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We all know the phrase "like a thief in the night".

That's exactly what he was. A clumsy thief. One who threw rocks at you window until you opened it. Then continued to climb your balcony not so quietly . A thief who had many mysteries. Some of which you would never learn. In spite of this you would never give up. You wanted a thief to change his ways, to become the person you'd dreamed of since you were little. You wanted to show him you and your thoughts and the fears of never being enough . You are not perfect , but you are not your mistakes you would say often quietly as if your whispers would float into his mind and permanently make a home there.

Their is another phrase "a tiger cannot change it's stripes ".

You learned this one the hard way. Your brain forever reminding you of your mistake of letting a thief think he could steal from you.

He took your heart with him when he left and he never gave it back to you. He did what thieves do best . He stole and then fled into the night.

In the days to come you would try to put your word to paper. They didn't flow from your mind to your hand . Thoughts crashed over you like waves. You sometimes wondered if it existed in the first place or if it was just a mirage.

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