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Wednesday. The same day you encountered Hojun.

Woongki, Seowon, and Eunseo are currently hanging out at En Garde cafe. You were supposed to be there as well, but change of plans. You had gone to buy for the barbecue later tonight. The barbecue that they were not invited too.

"I'm sad, we weren't invited to the barbecue." Woongki sulks as he takes sorrowful sips from his beverage.

"Oh geez get over it. You've been saying that since we got here." Eunseo criss crosses her legs onto her seat, getting comfortable. "Be glad I'm here. I chose to hang out with you rather than Yejun."

"Oh please you're with him twenty four seven. You have plenty of time to hang with him," he rolls his eyes.

They both look at the zoning Seowon. He's sipping on his drink spacing out into space. Woongki waves his hand over his face, snapping him out of his trance.

"What are you thinking about so hard?"

"Have you notice Y/N has been going out her comfort zone?"

"Going out of her comfort zone?" Eunseo snorts. "More like the other taking her out of her comfort zone," she takes her beverage in her hand and plays with the straw, swirling it in circles.

"Stop actually?" Woongki's eyes go wide at the two. He quietly slams his hands on the table, intensely staring at the two. "And no one has told me. Why have I not seen this!" He acts flabbergasted.

Seowon crosses his arms, leaning back in his chair, "that is because the universe's timing is not in your side," he playfully mocks.

"Wait are you guys being for real?" Woongki stops his dramatic act. The two nod at him in response.

The surprised male drops his mouth apart slightly. "Okay but what type of interactions are we talking about," he rolls his hand in circles.

"I don't know. I don't want to assume anything, but it seems friendly. That's all. I think." Seowon furrows his eyebrows unsure. He begins to look at the table, deep in thought once again.

"The last time I saw her with people aside from us, it would be on Monday. She was with bluey before I dragged her away, and then was with Taerae while waiting for me." Eunseo places down her drink, crossing her arms.

"Taerae?! Wait who's bluey?"

"The blue haired guy in your class?" She blankly stares at Woongki.

The other replies with a disgusted look, "You mean Park Hanbin. No yeah, I've seen her interact with him. I don't like it."

"Really?! I thought she looked cute with bluey."

"Aw hell no," he gags.

"Well then, do you have someone better?"

"Do you think there's more? That we're not seeing?" Seowon intervenes.

"I'm pretty sure there are. But it's not like it's our business."

"Well, it'll be mine! What if she ends up with the wrong guy!" Woongki complains. "See how she ended up with Hojun."

Eunseo takes a second before nodding in agreement. "Fair enough."

"Oh my gosh!" Woongki holds his pointer finger up as if he has an idea. He whips his head to the two. "How about we make a boyfriend list!"

"A what now?" Seowon concernedly furrows his eyebrows together. The female blankly stares at him sipping on her iced tea.

"A boyfriend list. We list the names of her possible suitors," he smiles at them excitedly.

"And what is that supposed to do."

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