They push me in deeper.

I wanna go home.

Closing my eyes, everything stops, opening them, I'm in my office. The sound of the old fan jittering, the blue-themed computer set that keeps all my important files. And the black chair that's grown a custom to my thick weight and personality.

Standing I walk out, finding Maria smiling at me, "Good Morning!"

I return it, "Morning!"

Then the door opens before I could welcome the customer I see Steve and Bucky walk in. Running to them I hold them close.

"Woah there Baby Girl!"

I smile, "I didn't think you'd miss us so much Doll. We do live together after all."

I look up at them, "I know, I just missed you two."

"Can you take our girl out for breakfast? She's been stressing all morning."

I have?

Steve smiles, rubbing my back, "Sure."

I chuckle, walking to the front door, looking behind me, the room is empty.


Then the world is black, "What's going on."

Feeling cold, I hold myself, "Why is it so cold."

The plants and flowers around me start to wilt, "No, no, wait."

I rush over to them, "I can help you, I can heal you, I'll-"

Pain shoots through my body, "NO! THIS ISN'T RIGHT! THIS ISN'T RIGHT AT ALL!"

Closing my eyes I cry opening them again only to be hit by the cool air.

Everything is blurry as I lean against the clear tub.

"Another success, at this rate we'll be able to expand on the project. We'll be able to get proper funding! Take her to her room, and lower the temperature to absolute zero. She's ready."

Limp, they take off the straps, dragging me off, and tossing me back in the dark room. Staring at the darkness the room get's colder and colder.

I can't move.

I can't think.

Closing my eyes I open them again, turning around I see Steve and Bucky walking towards me.

"We'll be back soon Maria!"

Stepping out of the shop, I hold Steve and Bucky's hands, laughing as the sun hits my skin gently. Watching everything fade away I frown, "No."

The screech of the metal door opens, looking a the two men I smile, "Steve? Bucky?"

They step inside, "NO! NO!"

I kick and bite but they don't stop, tossing me into a new room I cry, holding myself tightly. The same scientist with her cold brown eyes looks down at me.

"This is a triple dose, we need to speed up the process."

She opens a small briefcase, 5 should do the trick.

I look up at her shaking from the cold, "No, please stop, you don't have to do this."

Reaching out to her, trying to push her away, she kicks me, "Filthy bitch."

On the ground she grabs my overgrown hair, slamming my face against the thick wall.

"Stop. Fucking. Fighting. Bitch."

I don't know how many times my head hit the wall, I can't remember, all I see is the blood.

My blood?

Laying on the ground, I feel her poke me.






Then it's over, then she leaves.

It starts getting hot, so hot, yet so cold.

The room began to grow a hot red but I can't stop shivering. I can't, please I'm so cold.


Someone kill me.

I can't take it anymore.

"Death, my friend, please take me, help me."

I reach out for the door, reaching out for the darkness.

Closing my eyes I open them again, I'm in bed, sandwiched between my two favorite boys. I still feel a chill, "I'm cold."

Bucky wraps his arms around me, kissing my head sweetly, "We're here Doll."

Steve tucks me in under the blanket, keeping his hand on my thigh.



"Yes, thank you."

I don't care, I'm with them, I want to stay with them.

They vanish, they fade away, "No, come back."

Opening my eyes, I find myself in the hallway, being dragged off.

How long was I in there?

Hearing the woman's heels click over and over again she enters the new room. They drag me in, feeling the tight straps around my wrist, I dangle in the air.

Then pain, over and over again, I feel them stick the needles in me.

They stay there?

The scientist smiles at me, "They loved your little presentation, your restraint, they want to see you do more, so they gave me a little preview of what's to come."

She smiles at me, "You are a pioneer, and once you're full of my solution, you will be my perfect creation."

Everything fades away, as the cold sinks in.

Opening my eyes, I look down at the tall plant, pulling back the watering can I chuckle.

"It seems I overpoured you, little guy."

"You've been out of it all day Charlotte, are you ok?"

Looking at Maria I give her a bright smile, "Yeah, must be a little sleepy."

She nods, "That's why I come bearing gifts!"

Holding up two cups of coffee, she hands me mine, "You are a saint."

"You flatter me!"

Taking a sip of the hot liquid I smile at the bitter comfort, "That's exactly what I need."

This is bliss.

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