1. What Kind Of Farce Is This?

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Everything had always been a hassle for me, struggling through everything I'd lost my will to live. There was no reason as well, I was just breathing and moving.

"I wonder why You bother to keep me alive?"

I usually spoke to God, well, He listened, someone had told me.

"I'm just wasting oxygen and space, it's not like I am doing anything productive to anyone. For once in this universe You must have made a mistake by giving me life, since You didn't give me anything else besides that."

Anyways, I was used to having these one-sided conversations with God and I'd stretched everything till 25 years of my life.

"No parents, no friends, no love, no ambition, no reason at all. I guess that makes me eligible to do this."

I said that as I stood up on the edge of the roof of a building which was at least twenty floors high.

"Nothing can hold me back from here," I mumbled feeling the cool wind brushing over my brown locks.

The height was dizzying and I felt just a slight bit of fear. So, I turned around and sighed.

"Here goes."

I spreaded my arms and slowly leaned back, the ground beneath me disappeared and the wind became fast, so fast that I couldn't hear anything else but the strong slapping of my hair and the whooshing of the wind

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I spreaded my arms and slowly leaned back, the ground beneath me disappeared and the wind became fast, so fast that I couldn't hear anything else but the strong slapping of my hair and the whooshing of the wind.

The last thing that I might remember would be the cloudy sky that was that day.

"I hope at least now, You'll have some mercy on me." I thought before everything went black.

I heard the sound of someone crying and hiccuping which annoyed me, it seemed like a child was crying near me. I opened my eyes wincing at the brightness but instantly the loud sounds invaded my ears.


"Amy! Amy, are you okay?! I'm so sorry for asking you to do that! Amy!" A young child with bright platinum blonde hair came into my view.

She was crying big fat tears and seemed really remorseful about something. Somehow I couldn't help but want to make her stop crying, I thought of reaching out to touch her face when I realised.

Wait, did I survive that damn fall?!

I sat up in shock but that was a bad move as my head pounded and I grunted holding my head.

"Princess, does your head still hurt? Hurry up and call a doctor!" A female voice shouted and I groaned as I felt the sharp flashes in my head.

I felt someone clutching as the sleeves of my shirt. I turned to look at the teary eyed child, her eyes seemed like sapphires no, even more beautiful than them. Almost as if they were jewels in the place of eyes.

Jeweled eyes?

A certain jeweled eyed character popped in my head and I could clearly draw some similarities between them. No, no, no, this must be a bloody dream. How could such a thing happen in real life?!

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