"And do you know why your rambling." he said

"Causing me to worry too much."

"Yes, honey i know your worried I am to, this has a 50/50 shot of working, i just don't want you to get upset if this doesn't work." he said

"I know that, I know that this may not be successful, and we could be trying for a while before we see any results."

"This is the first try and Kelly said that 95% of the time it doesn't work on the first try." he said

"I know that but there's that 5% chance that it could work."

All Chris could do was nod.

We spent the rest of the day and night on the couch snuggling and just enjoying each other's company. I was about to say something to Chris when I turned and saw he was sleeping a light snore coming from him.

I smiled, I got up from the couch and grabbed the blanket and placed it on him, took off his glasses and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

I grabbed my phone and decided to go sit outside, when I got out there I sat down on the steps leading down to the yard. I looked up and the sky was clear. I could see the stars.

I closed my eyes and made a wish. Then my phone started buzzing when I looked at the caller ID. When I saw who it was I smiled. It was Ana.


"Hi gorgeous." she said

"Hi Ana, how are you?"

"I'm great, how are you?" she asked.

"I'm good."

"I haven't talked to you in awhile, what have you guys been up to?" she said

"Well do you remember we talked about having a surrogate."

"Yeah. How's the search going? Have you found anyone yet?" she said

"For the longest time we couldn't find anyone, everyone we looked at was just in it for the money or to get close to Chris. So we just decided to just put it on hold, we took a little break and went away for a couple weeks, but before we came back Janey called us and asked us to come see her before we went home."

"Ok so what happened when you went to see Janey." Ana said.

"When we got to her office she said even though we decided to put a hold on looking, Janey had put out some feelers and she found someone perfect for us."

"Oh my god really well don't keep me suspense, who is it?" Ana said

"It's Chris's sister Carly."

"What, his sister, that's unbelievable." she said

"I know it is."

"But you don't sound too happy about this." she said

"Oh no of course I'm happy, I'm just scared."

"Scared of what honey." she said

"Well Kelly said there's a 95% chance that this might not work."

"But there's still a 5% chance that it might work. And you don't wanna get your hopes up." she said

"Yeah, I'm just scared of being happy that I might have a chance to be a mom."

"Oh honey you can't think that way, I know your scared but don't think the worst." she said

"I'm trying but it's really hard Ana, I'm acting my ass off in front of Chris."

"So what happens next?" Ana asked

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