CHP 16: Video

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Normani's POV
"Okay, yall are just going to get with your groups and discuss your notes over chapter 11. The exam is next Thursday so don't forget to get a scantron from the testing lab. I'm leaving but y'all can't leave until 10:30." I looked down at my watch and saw that it was 10.

Texas government. This class is chill but my teacher does too much sometimes. We just had a project now we have to do 2 more before the semester ends.

I stayed in my chair because I don't feel like having to go to my group mates, they know where to find me. "Did y'all take notes or nah." One boy said no and the other two girls in the group said yes.

One of the girls quickly slid her notes to the boy. I don't know his name but I know he's Zions teammate, he's come by Zions apartment a couple times. "Preciate it shawty." The girl smiled wildly at him. You could tell she want him and whatever he got. The man just had to exist and he gets free shit from her.

"Aye Mani, tell Z that he left his cleats at my crib." I nodded my head at the short haired boy. "He always forgetting shit." I quickly sent Zion a text before I forgot. The way my memory is set up Id forget in .5 seconds.

I closed my phone and turned my attention to my computer. I had to check on one of my many projects given to me by my teacher. I'm honestly so over school but I need to get this degree.

*Watch a documentary and discuss with 2 or more people. Must not be any class mates. Videos have to be 30 minutes long.*

I rolled my eyes as I read the project information. It was due next Sunday. Knowing me I need to get it done now or it will never be touched.

Normani: Hey do you think you can do this project with me. *1 attachment*
Zion: It depend on when you tryna do it
Normani: I'll let you know soon
Zion: So I gotta watch the whole documentary
Normani: Yes Z
Zion: bet

Normani: Hey friend, do you wanna help me with this project. *1 attachment*
Kehlani: You lucky I like watching documentaries 
Normani: love to see ittt. i'll let you know when ima do it, it's gonna be before next Sunday tho
Kehlani: alright mani

Well I got that done. For the remainder of my time here I decided to work on my assignments for my classes and left when it was time to.

1 week later

"Ryan are you finna be doing anything later today in here." I questioned my roommate. Today was going to be the day that I filmed my discussion for my class.

"Yeah, I thought I told you that Aj was coming over." I let out a small groan. I completely forgot that she mentioned that. "Oh fuck you did say that." I quickly opened my phone to send a quick text.

normani: hey can we film at your place? i forgot ryan was doing something here
kehlani: yeah just pull up whenever. is your little boy toy coming?
normani: yes lol
kehlani: alright, lmk when y'all pulling up

I hearted the message and texted Zion with the updated plan. When he responded he told me that he would pick me up to take me there.

Once I read the text I started gathering all the notes and extra shit I prepared for this project. I quickly stripped out of my clothes and put on some more comfortable shoes. I slid on my crocs and took a seat at my desk.

Zion🫶🏾: downstairs

I grabbed everything I needed and left after saying bye to Ryan. It wasn't hard to spot his basic white charger. He was looking all kinds of good blasting his music. I really don't like his car or any car that somewhat resembles it. Camaros? Don't like them. Challengers? Don't get me started.

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