Chapter 11

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"Ow, you're sitting on my hair," I whine, lifting my head to the side as soon as Nithin sits down beside me.

"It's taking up the whole sofa. Where should I sit then?!?" Nithin pulls at a strand of my hair softly as he settles deeper into a couch with a playful smile.

"Gadida," I curse at him, roughly pushing his shoulder as he leans more onto while laughing. [Translation of gadida: donkey] I see Mahesh and Anushka laughing at us as they come into the living room with chocolate in their hands as they plop down onto the sofas. We are at the boy's place just having a chill Friday night after a long week of work. We ordered biryani and ate together and are now settling down with bellies full of food and hearts full of warmth.

"Too sweet for me," Mahesh complains as he throws the chocolate bar to me and Nithin but Samantha catches it in the air and takes it instead. I roll my eyes at her and laugh as Nithin throws a pillow at her as she proudly smirks at him while enjoying the chocolate. 

I look up when I see Prabhas walking towards us with Ram behind him but there's a small smile on Prabhas' face. Anushka is sitting on the sofa in front of him beside Samantha and both Ram and I share a confused glance as he walks up behind them but doesn't say anything to them. He reaches his arm out to tap Samantha's left shoulder at the same time he taps Anushka's right shoulder. 

As soon as he does, he immediately drops down to the floor so both of them can't see him. They both turn to the side they were tapped on and they don't see anyone so they just shake their heads and go back to talking.

Before Prabhas gets back up, Ram comes and stands by Samantha and then Prabhas goes behind Anushka and taps on her right shoulder again but multiple times and then drops down again. 

This time she turns her head around faster and her jaw is tight as she looks around with annoyance. 

I widen my eyes as she reaches out for the glass of water beside her and puts it above her head and slightly behind the sofa and slowly starts to tilt it downward.

"Prabhas watch out!" I hit Ram's arm after he calls out to Prabhas to warn him about Anushka making her put the glass back and down Prabhas to appear from behind the sofa. He just starts to laugh as he points at Anushka. 

She just shakes her head as she rolls her eyes the same way I do. I know she wouldn't actually pour the water, but she knew that by threatening to do it, he would stop his stupid joke.

"All of you are idiots you know," Genelia complains as she walks in and stands by Ram, slightly leaning on his shoulder.

"Correction, you should say 'All of us are idiots'," Mahesh replies to her, raising his eyebrows up out of amusement as she narrows her eyes at him once she realizes what he said.

"Nithin your phone," I say, my eyes going to the phone on the arm of the sofa which buzzes a few times in a row. He takes it from my hands and I lean the side of my face slightly on his shoulder and watch as he unlocks the phone. He opens up the messages app and I see his eyes run across the screen as he reads the chain of messages sent from one of his coworkers.

"It's not urgent or anything," He tells me, leaning back to slightly graze his lips on my head as he feels my eyes peering over my shoulder. I nod and lean closer onto him and look around as he starts to scroll a little bit on his phone.

Nithin and I are sitting together on a loveseat sofa with a blanket sprawled across our legs. Straight across from the tv, sitting on the largest couch is Samantha, Anushka in the middle, and Prabhas on the right of her. Beside them on the deewan is Mahesh who has his whole body stretched out onto it as both Ram and Genelia glare at him for taking up so much space unnecessarily. And lastly Genelia is sitting on Ram as the two of them are sitting cozily on an oversized recliner sofa that is between the deewan and the large sofa. Thank god that the boys' apartment and our apartment have large living rooms with lots of furniture, otherwise we wouldn't be able to fit everybody together like this.

Prema (Pranushka)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon