With no warning lean down and press my lips onto hers locking her hair in between my fingers

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With no warning lean down and press my lips onto hers locking her hair in between my fingers. I can tell I caught her off guard because I felt her body tense up from my actions. I dare not open my eyes and just enjoy her soft lips against mine. Oddly enough she doesn't protest or pull away, instead I feel her hands slid up to my cheeks cradling my face as she kissed me back. Her lips start to move against mine turning the single kiss into more. I followed her lead in this, savoring her taste as our mouths moved in unison, still not sure why this is happening but the pure joy I'm experiencing is overwhelming.

"What the hell is going on here!?" The bluenette and I break apart from the sudden yelling coming from the entrance of the locker room. I am met with my cousin and their two friends. The friends looked confused and my cousin looked enraged, he was turning red.

"Felix!" Adrien yells as he stalks towards me.

"Felix, what's wrong with you!?" He slams his hands on either side of my shoulders shaking me.

Snapping out of my trance I blink my eyes and look at him. "Stop shaking me at once." I push away and look around and see that we're the only ones in class. "What happened?"

"You tell me. You spaced out during the lesson. Just staring out the window." Adrien had a small smile on his face. "To be honest, it looked like you were daydreaming. Must have been good since you didn't notice everyone leave." No way. Daydreaming. I was thinking about the baker girl? I was kiss...oh dear god.

Marinette's POV

"Earth to Marinette! Snap out of it!" Alya snaps her fingers at me causing me to refocus on her. I can't help but think about Luka and our kiss, I need to tell Alya about it soon.

"Sorry Alya. There's something I need to tell you but not here I'll tell you at lunch." My friend was intrigued now, one of her eyebrows rises up wanting to know right away.

After what felt like forever the bell finally rang and everyone rushed out to their next class. "I'll see you in class I left my chem book in my locker I'll be there soon."

"Don't think I forgot about what you said earlier, I wanna know so bad now!" She walks off out the door.

I gather my things and make my way out the classroom only to stop right outside. Looking at my messages I see Luka sent me a few sweet texts along with a few lyrics for his new song. Pressing my back against the wall to hold myself up as I reminisce over our kiss. It was so different so mature, I liked it so much.

"Marinette you're doing to be late to class." Tikki whispers from my bag snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Fine fine. I'm going." I whisper back and head to the locker room.

Before I can grab my book and close the locker I hear someone walk into the room making me turn around. Felix stood at the entrance staring at me, with a weird look on his face.

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