0 | The Beginning

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(currently working on a photo/GIF)

↳ ❝ [ "I will always strive to
Bring you happiness, my love.
You deserve everything
This world has to offer,
Even if death is
Knocking at the door" ]❞ ¡!

┏━°⌜ 君を修復する ⌟°━┓

"Isn't the moon bright tonight"

A young pale female whispered to the young pale male next to her, her voice filled with a mix of awe and admiration.

Under the starry night sky, with only the moon and the stars that were casting a gentle light upon them and as the wind gently blew towards them making their hair swang in melody as she breathed in the sweet fresh air of mother nature.

The young pale male had red plum eyes sunken into her weak eyes. His expression mirrored hers, awe and admiring but also mixed with a layer of exhaustion and pain that is causing in their frail body.

A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips, despite the exhaustion lurking on his face. He knew that she was trying to say I love you to him, but he decided to ignore it because there is still that one chance that she really meant that the moon is bright. He also doesn't want to be embarrassed in front of her, he wanted to impress her.

"the moon is indeed bright but you know what's more bright? your eyes, they had to make the moon fall to just be seen, and yet your eyes outshined them every time."

He mustered a playful tone, trying to bring a spark of joy into their fragile moment. His voice is gentle, filled with genuine warmth and love. The female couldn't help but smile/blush and a faint giggle escaped her lips.

"Oh, my love."

His red plum eyes sank deep into her eyes, her eyes filled with exhaustion and pain as she continues to giggle's.

His smile faded slightly as he studied her delicate features. He knew all too well that her illness had taken a more severe charge on her body than on his own. But he couldn't bear the thought of losing her, of watching her slip away while he was helpless to save her, he couldn't even save himself. He will do anything to save her and himself. An idea flickered in his eyes.

"My love, I want to show you something."

he said in a gentle tone, grasping her fragile hands as he helped her stand up. They walked step by step, but there are some moments when one of them slipped and the other one gently helped them.

"where are we going, my love?"

The female asked as she noticed a huge pink tree from afar. His grip tightened around her hands, providing both stability and comfort. He guided her through the dimly lit night, the soft rustling of dirt and grass beneath their feet breaking the silence. The cool breeze caressed their faces.

"We're going to a place that holds a special meaning for us. A place where we can find comfort and beauty in between the struggles of our lives."

he replied, his voice filled with tenderness. They continued their slow progress, sometimes stumbling. The moon arose from behind the clouds, casting a gentle glow upon their path as if offering its own support. The tension in his heart grew with every step, his mind consumed by the desire to create a moment of happiness for her and him.

As they drew closer to the beautiful pink tree, its branches extended like graceful arms, reaching out to the starry night sky. The petals glowed in the moonlight, creating a mesmerizing display of delicate beauty. He guided her to a clearing beneath the tree, as they enter the delicate petals danced around them, creating a magical carpet of pink and white, inviting them to rest. The air was filled with the soft rustling of petals and the sweet scent of blooming flowers of the cherry blossom.

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