🍋making love with a beast

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He was a beast in the bedroom literally and metaphorically you always had claw marks on your hips and back it made people question what was really happening to you every time someone saw the marks they would gasp making you cover them up and blush heavily you mentioned this to him so he made one down your neck letting people know you belong to him your friend saw it "where are you getting these cuts from" she asked and you blushed heavily "um well I have been seeing someone at night and we have a little fun if you know what I mean" you say nervously it makes her eyes widen "oh I get it sorry for asking I just see them all the time and was just curious" she says looking away from you every night it was the same he would show up to rip your clothes off and have his way with you he would apply slight pressure on your neck with his teeth his synthetic tongue would lick up the blood from your neck as he thrusted into you harshly your fingers ran through his fur he moaned with you he moved with purpose making you feel the way he always did incredibly good when he came it was always the same he would tell you that he would be back then leave he wasn't the type for affection you always had to clean up his mess but you didn't mind cause you knew deep down he couldn't quit you his actions spoke louder then words it came a time where he would leave but you weren't allowed to miss him cause he wouldn't allow it but for now you enjoyed everything he gave you no matter what you only saw him at night he came as he went without a sound you still can't believe how you met him his white eyes glowed in the darkness of the trees piercing through you he grabbed your throat and just took what he wanted from you then left but he always came back you were starting to fall for him but you knew he wouldn't feel the same he was in capable of love so one night he comes back then lays you down then slips your nightgown off you watch as his monstrous mouth opens his synthetic tongue licks your neck once he reached your wet core he lapped at it like a dog at first making you moan out so he keeps going you arched your back enjoying every minute of it until you cum hard on his tongue he laps it all up then licks his snout "delicious as always beautiful" he said before he would eventually slide inside you hands gripping your hips tightly his claws sunk into your skin making it bleed slightly it made you whince but once he started moving it made you forget about the pain you both moaned out loudly as he had his way with you once everything was over he saw all the scars he was leaving on your body as you stretched and get up to clean up he felt bad about it but said nothing and left it went on like this for a long time until he stopped showing up you wondered what happened to him so you just go about your daily life all his cuts were all you had to remember him by until he showed up again it scared you cause he said nothing just pinned you to the floor his arms have you caged in as your wrist are trapped in his hands "what are you doing rev your scaring me" you say as he just stared down at you he could tell you were scared your heart was racing as you looked up at him with fear in your eyes "I am not going to hurt you relax I just missed you" he says softly making you relax as he nuzzles his snout into your neck making you blush heavily "I missed you too" you say softly as you lean into his touch he held you like that for a while until he pulled back "I didn't show up for a while cause I feel bad for hurting you I left your body with scars" he says softly you could hear the sadness in his voice "look I love you regardless of the scars you mean a lot to me" you say before you kiss the side of his snout it makes him whimper "I am glad you love despite all the pain I have caused you" he says as he pulls you into his chest your arms wrapped around him keeping him close that night he made actual love to you holding you close as he moved inside you making you feel loved he tried not to cut your skin with his claws once he was done he cleans you up then holds you to his chest letting you fall asleep in his arms he treated you better after that making sure that he left no more scars on your delicate skin.

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