Chapter One

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November 1984

            "C'mon Naomi! Get those legs up a little higher on that toe touch!" Coach Bird shouted with each loud hand clap.

I hunched over with my sweaty palms gripping my slightly bent knees. Trails of sweat trickled down my forehead, cooling my burning skin under the beaming sun. I heaved for breath, and my disheveled ponytail drooped from the side of my head. Coach had one more time to call my name before I lost my mind! The sun's rays assaulted us as we practiced the choreography in preparation for halftime during Friday's football game.

            "Start over! We need to get this right— or we won't perform!" Coach Bird demanded, blowing her whistle to get our attention. I swear she had one more time to blow that damn whistle too! I groaned under my breath and trudged through the grass towards my teammates. I sluggishly got into formation. Coach Bird stood tall at the front of us, while her left eye twitched at every imperfection. "Friday night's game is important, and every split, toss, kick, and twirl must be done correctly!"

            Friday, we play against our rivals, the Woodland High Wildcats. This game determines who advances in the playoffs, so we had to get the crowd hype. With morale up, the crowd's energy would give the football team that boost of much needed encouragement. Our football team was great, but those Wildcats weren't to be underestimated.

            "Get ready...Cameron get in place now! Cue the music!" Bird shouted before an ear bursting whistle ripped through the air. At the sound of the music blaring from the stadium's speakers, everyone came alive. My body was resurrected by the all too familiar melody of our school band.

A prerecorded taping of their music danced through the atmosphere, guiding each of us as we moved. I took a long inhale before I sprinted forward and slipped into a perfect cartwheel. I landed it effortlessly, then twirled off to the side to give the other girls room. I smiled when I heard someone gasp once I landed, not even thinking to glance over my shoulder to see if coach saw my perfection.

I already knew she was watching.

I was in my element when it came to cheer, and to be the best you had to train like one. Coach Bird analyzed each step we made, nodding her head in approval. Her hard gaze narrowed as she folded her arms across her chest.

            "Chin up Melissa!" Coach Bird shouted. I ran across the front of the group and performed another cartwheel then backflip across the field. Jessica followed suit, landing perfectly on her feet next to me.

"Good job ladies keep it up!" Coach bird yelled. The dance routine continued, with each of us chanting the words to our cheer. The sun beamed down on us, creating a thin layer of perspiration that coated our skin. I rolled to the music, dancing my way into formation for the toe touch moment with Jessica. Our lines and transitions were crisp and left no room for error.

With one final breath, I forced out a sigh and took my squat. This was the moment I had practiced for a million times. My time to showcase what I could do in front of the entire team. I knew what I was capable of, hell they all did. But just having this moment to be front and center was icing on the cake. With my feet planted firmly on the polished, green grass, I launched off the ground at the sound of my cue, using all the strength in my heels.

            I flew into the air, throwing my legs up into a perfect split. I couldn't help the smile that curled up my lips at the grin plastered across Coach Bird's face. The cool autumn breeze tickled my cheeks, and I felt so at peace. But that same grin on Bird's face abruptly disappeared when I lost my footing on the landing. I hissed when my ankle rolled. I stumbled forward and dropped on the football field, frozen with shame where I laid. The sound of everyone's gasps burned my ears but I refused to see if she was watching.

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