Prologue : Shilora

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For as long as I can remember, I have always lived in a hospital room. Between the cries of terrified patients, doctors and nurses running in the sometimes panicked corridors, the sound of stretchers, food carts or even the constant beeping of my cardioscope, it was quite difficult for me to flourish. Any flower could lose its petals here.

I have a rare condition that has left me almost bedridden since birth. I haven't really experienced the outside world having always been hooked up to machines, but that's not what stopped me from having an overflowing imagination.

I developed a passion for reading, I could read anything, a novel, a manga, a short story, a webtoon, absolutely everything. This passion helped me to escape from my sad reality.

It was quite difficult to stay locked in my hospital room, unable to move, unable to play with the other children. However, even reading got tired of me after all that time in the hospital and was no longer enough to fill my boredom. It was then that I started having fun creating imaginary characters. And among all my characters, there is one that I imagined myself to be. She constantly accompanied me in my dreams and thoughts.

Lately, I imagined her alive in Operation: True Love, a webtoon I started not long ago and I look forward to new chapters of it every week.

I then invented stories with the characters of this webtoon, living thrilling adventures that allow me to escape from my hospital room.

My character was everything that I was not or everything that I would have liked to be.

I called her Shilora, I had a clear idea of who she was and what she was like. The time in the hospital may seem so long but as I imagined it the time seemed to shorten.

So I imagined that she was very beautiful, with delicate and harmonious features. Her face is oval, with high cheekbones and full, soft lips. His eyes are a deep, brilliant blue, framed by long, thick eyelashes. I like to think that they give off a certain intensity and great emotional depth that can sometimes seem almost unsettling to others. Her nose is small and straight, adding to her delicate beauty. Her lips are full and soft, plump with a slight rosy tint that gives her a sensual side in contrast to her innocent eyes.

What I love most about her: her hair. It's been many years since unfortunately I couldn't have a single strand of hair with the repeated treatments and operations, so imagining Shilora's hair always made me feel better.

I imagine them very long, soft and silky reaching below her buttocks, they are a luminous blonde reflecting the light in a spectacular way, delicately framing her face and highlighting her natural beauty. Her hair is a real asset to her. I like to imagine them swaying gracefully behind her back as she walks or just fluttering in the breeze.

She has a short stature, with a slim and slender figure. His skin is clear and luminous, with a soft and smooth texture, without scars, without the slightest trace of a needle stick or hematoma due to infusions.

She can sometimes seem fragile and delicate, but at the same time she exudes an inner strength that commands respect and admiration. I wanted Shilora to be a woman of great beauty and grace, with an aura of purity and warmth that drew others to her.

Despite that, what I like most about her is that she is free. She can run, jump, climb a mountain, ski and fall without worrying about the repercussions on her health. She sings and dances in the rain, laughs in the sun and cries with the wind. Yes, she's everything I can't be. Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be outside these walls, to feel the sun on my face, to run in the grass, to see the stars at night, and even just to stand in the rain.

But I learned to find joy in the little things in life. A nurse's smile, a surprise visit from my family, an exciting book, lively music. I'm grateful for everything I have, even though I can't live a normal life like other people. It taught me to always be positive and see the good side of life. I think everything happens for a reason and surely you have to be patient.

So, I continue to create characters, to imagine fantastic worlds and to escape in my thoughts. This is how I feel alive, despite my physical limitations. And who knows, maybe these characters will one day help me get out of this hospital and explore the real world.

...I never thought this day would really come.


Author's note:

Hello hello sunshine!

Here is the English version of my fanfiction, English is not my native language so I'm still struggling with the translation, please be lenient. If something disturbs you in writing let me know :)

So you've probably guessed it, we're going to be in a kind of isekai.I want to clarify, in this story it will be about romance, friendship and above all how life can be great and how much you have to enjoy it. Let's be kind to each other to live without regret! Also, the fanfic will address somewhat heavy subjects such as existential reflections and on the superficial side of people, which is why the beauty of the main character will be enormously put forward.

By the way, do you have any idea why the name Shilora? It is a completely invented first name which has its own meaning, we will know more about it in the chapters to come.

Do not hesitate to leave a constructive criticism and a like, it is very appreciated. :3

Happy reading my dears!

ps: are you more team Eunhyuk or team Dohwa?

Operation : Live Your Life Shilora (english version)Where stories live. Discover now