my father

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i cant face him , i don't look in his eyes anymore , i try to hide whenever he is around , i feel ashamed , i feel so so ashamed. He pretends to be normal , as if nothing happened , as if he lost nothing , as if it was alright , as if seeing his daughter he was so proud of once disappoint him so bad that he didnot seem to have a huge impact on whatever happened , almost like he knew that the daughter he once was so proud of having , the daughter he once showed of to people calling her a million names ''thats my smart kid'' ''shes got the brain nobody in our family has'' ''shes gonna make me so happy one day'' ''shes all i have ever needed'' . i know he doesnt hate me even now , even now he makes me feel like i have done nothing wrong , as if i did something he knew was going to happen , i couldn't face him anymore , so i ran away from home to another home ,even there had i disappointed people , my grandfather , he told my mom long before on how i wasnt 'the one' they're thinking i was , i couldnt be successful , maybe he was way too experienced and figured me out in seconds and it turned out to be true , i was indeed a failure 

I wish my father forgives me , i wish he forgives me , i wish he forgives me i wish he forgives me 

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