Only the Beginning

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me and Aomine walked home holding hands and the team split up towards their homes. We didn't talk the whole way towards home and when we got there, we walked up stairs. I was about to let go of his hand and walk to my room but he tightened his grip and yanked me into his room and onto his bed.

"you think id let you go to your room after all that just happened?" I blushed and he pulled me closer as we lay there. I snuggled into his chest and he chuckled as he stroked my long black hair. "so does this mean...we're dating?" he suddenly stiffened and then looked me in the face. "do you even need to ASK that? are you that THICKHEADED?" I growled and he laughed at my reaction. He suddenly kissed me as I was about to yell at him. I blushed mad. It was hot. Our mouths were connected but then he was pressing his tongue against mine. What the hell was I supposed to do in this situation?! Im a total noob when it comes to relationships!!!

He broke away and I breathed heavily, gasping for air. "would I do that to you if we weren't in a relationship?" I blushed and I snuggled into his chest to hide my embarrassed face. I had to ask this question no matter what!! "what do you like about me anyway..?" he laughed and then hugged me tighter, whispering into my ears, his breath grazed my neck. "everything. you fit perfectly into my arms, you have long black hair that stands out on your white skin, you're good at everything, you're cute as hell, you have entrancing eyes, i never get bored of you, youre not conceited, youre not super girly, youre tough, you put your friends before yourself, your expressions are priceless, and you're my little kitty." I blushed as I heard him confess this about me. I hugged him tighter and snuggled even deeper into his chest. "hey watch it. your burning so hot that I might even get darker!"

"who's fault is that!!" he held on tighter and he let out a chuckle that sent shivers down my back. "mine." he suddenly pulled my face with both cheeks and he looked at me. He suddenly forced another kiss on me. We parted lips but it was still hot. We kissed again and departed once more. We looked at eachother and kissed again and again. I finally got a moment to catch my breath.

"w-why are you kissing so much.." he hugged me tight and then sounded frustrated. "..because of you!! because that face of yours when you blush is frikking irrisistable!!" I just blushed even more and I knew this was bad. He looked me in the face again and then kissed me deeply. Its just too much for me. We parted lips and he started rubbing my cheek. "damn it..!! stop showing me that face!!" I couldn't stop blushing!! I buried my face into his chest and I listened to the sound of his heartbeat. It was just like mine, beating out of control.

I slowly went to sleep, forcing my senses to dull. He held me warmly and it was like I was just meant to be there. With him.


I woke up and I was still in Aomine's arms. He was still sleeping so I slipped out of his arms and went downstairs. I bumped into something...Kei! He was smiling at me and it felt kinda weird. "Kei...why are you smiling like that?" he smiled even bigger and whispered into my ears. My eyes turned big and I blushed and started punching him.

"KEI!! Aomine wouldnt-!!" I was about to continue but then something interrupted me. "I wouldn't what?" Me and Kei jumped and then ran into the kitchen. "H-hey!!!" Aomine started chasing us and then caught us by our shirts. "now tell me."

Me and Kei gulped and then looked at eachother. Kei spoke up first. "that you...are going to eh-hem...are gonna heat...and do...stuff..." Aomine's aura suddenly turned dark and evil. "YOU SAID WHAT?!" Aomine walked and carried us still. He kicked Kei's door open and then threw him inside! "stay in your room! you're GROUNDED!" Kei just sat formally and nodded for dear life. "y-yeah okay!!"

I took this distraction as a chance to get away from this outraged panther. I started to sneak out and then I started sprinting! "Hey! you! get over here NOW!!" I ran for dear life. I ran into my room and Aomine was following me! I started to close the door but he was fighting to open it-more like clawing! "open the door!!!"

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