Chapter One

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Draco reached to his left and hit the button to turn off his alarm clock. It was the first day back to school. Draco was a highschool Jr, going to a private school. No real surprise there. His family still had money, even thought they relocated after the accident. What Draco Malfoy struggled with the most since the accident, wasn't the fact he was blind. No. He had no real memory of ever seeing the world, so seeing the darkness everyday, all the time, was just the way he seen the world. He was used to that and had learned to live and care for himself in the last thirteen years. What pained Draco Malfoy the most? Was the feeling of being replaced by his little boy. He'd been told by his mum and others in the community that the pair of boys looked a liked, very similar in looks, but the pair couldn't be more difference. Not only did Skyler Malfoy have his sight, Draco felt most of his father's love and attention went to him. Knowing Skyler would be able to take over the company in London.

Draco often felt unwanted or unloved in his home, because often times his home would be empty. His mom either sleep or at work, over night. The only real time his mum was around was mornings, before she went to sleep, she would take him to school and when he was picked up form school. She always sent her love, but with her husband and second son often gone, she felt alone and worked overnight. It made Draco feel even more alone. It's not like he had really made any friends. Who wants to be friends with somebody blind?

Draco's morning started the same as any other morning. He grabbed his school uniform out the closet and went to his, small personal, bathroom to take his shower, get dressed and fix his hair. He then dropped his sleep attire in his hamer and exit the bathroom. He walked to his study table, grabbing his backpack. He grabbed his braille book, before walking towards his door. He grabbed his walking cane, that was currently folded and laying on the end table by his door. He reached up and turned the light off, before he left the room.

Draco turned into the living room, grabbing his touch phone, that spent the night on the charger, along with his parents and younger brother when they were all home, and put it in his pocket. His backpack was dropped on the couch, and his walking cane shoved into his backpack. He didn't have to use it at his home, as long as nobody was over, the home kept the same. Normally when guest were over, Draco often kept to himself. Draco walked into the kitchen and went to start pot of coffee, but his father's strong Black coffee was already made. Indicating Lucius and Skyler were home. So, Draco grabbed a mug and pour himself some coffee, then grabbing the creamer, kept the the left of the fridge, always to the left and a bit of sugar kept in home beside the fridge before he sat down on at the dinning room table. The smell of breakfast being cooked, strong. His mother up making breakfast as usually.

"No good morning?" Said his Brother, Skyler, who then yawned. Not much sleep he had, for his own Frist day of school. His last year at elementary school. A very smart lad who kept a bit of an accent, one Draco never really had, because of his travels back and forth to his home in America and his father's business in Loudon. "Didn't think it matter." Draco said, taking a sip of coffee. Skyler frowned. "I don't see why you always get so fussy when we get home." Skyler fussed and Draco huffed. "I think you know damn well the reason for that. I don't understand why you two even bother coming home." Draco said, getting to his feet and Strom back upstairs. The slam to his bedroom door heard throughout the house.

A few minutes past before his door was pushed opened. Draco laying on his back on his bed. "A close door means I don't want to talk." Draco huffed. "I didn't expect to be gone most of the summer, son." Lucius said causing Draco to sit up on his bed and looked in the direction of his father's voice. "The moment you learned I'd been blinded, permanently, you couldn't have replaced me fast enough. Don't act like I haven't noticed. Somebody needs to take me to school or I'm taking the bus." Draco said. "You won't ride the bus. It's time for breakfast." Lucius said after a pause. "Then go eat and leave me alone." Draco said.

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