the giving in

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IT'S OVERRRR ahhhh I'm SO happy for this work, I can't even begin to describe you! thank you for reading, commenting, voting! hope yall enjoy this last chapter!

May 10th, 2023.
Liverpool, England.

Bojan didn't exactly remember ever signing up for taking up matchmaker duties for this year's Eurovision Song Contest, but there he was.

Doing precisely that.

Last night proved to be a success, of fucking course, no one anticipated otherwise. Finland, apart from simply qualifying for the grand final of Saturday most likely won the semi as well and Bojan, along with the rest of the Joker Out boys obviously watched the show and gave a massive, loud applause for the new friend they'd made throughout this journey, egging on people that sat close by to vote for Finland and pitch in to help them win this cause they freaking deserved it.

Now it was totally needless to say that once the show was over, almost all of this year's contestants, both the ones who were competing tonight and those who weren't, had a huge after party planned and the second the live broadcasting was off the Joker Out team picked up all their stuff in haste and rushed to the meet up spot with the other contenstants.

Well all, except for Bojan, who was allegedly supposed to meet Jere outside this specific pub and walk to the club together at around 11 pm.

And by allegedly we mean he ended up taking off alone because when the clock hit 11.30 pm and his friend hadn't yet showed up, he figured there's other more important things he was on. The Slovenian pulled his phone out of his pocket and was halfway through texting him that they'll meet straight at the club when it vibrated and Jere's name appeared on the screen, giving him instant relief before he was off for good for the 5 minute walk to the club.

"Sorry for keep you waiting Justin Bieber, go and I'm coming too."

Bojan knowingly smiled to himself.

Loud music, a couple of vodka shots and his best friends by his side was all Bojan needed to leave all that bothered him aside, let go of his worries for the time being and allow himself to enjoy what was given to him a rainy autumn morning of October, have the hell of a time because at the end of the day you only experience things like this once in life and you should never take them for granted.

"JOKER BOYS" Jere yelled over the earsplitting music and started passing shots around to all 5 of them, keeping one for himself. "I buy you shots, vodka, yes?" He grinned and the boys howled in excitement, gently patting Jere's shoulders to thank him. Jan raised his shot glass first to initiate the cheering process but before they cheered, Bojan stopped them.

"WAIT wait, let's make a toast first, shall we?" He suggested and they all threw glances at each other to see who decides to make it. Bojan rolled his eyes when no one volunteered and they all chuckled. "Okay party poopers I'll do it myself. So." He brought his shot glass up, urging them to do the same. "To our friendship, to music, to Jere's victory," he listed, the latter causing everyone's eyes to light up and Jere's lips to form the most heartfelt, truthful, wide smile. "-and to love. CHEERS!"

Jere's smile slightly faded when he heard the word love, instantly catching his friend's hint. Bojan's eyes remained on the grey eyed lad for such short amount no one even noticed and they all clincked their glasses before they gladly downed the vodka, hissing at the taste of sheer alcohol rushing through their veins.

"Good ah, good yes?" Jere asked Jure and he nodded, his eyes still somewhat shrunk because of the aftertaste of the shot.

"Good but strong." He agreed to disagree and while Bojan was on the verge of lighting a cig, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Wrinkling his eyebrows together he steadied the cig between his lips to check who it was at this time.

𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝒹𝑒𝓃𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊Where stories live. Discover now