hiding them all again, and covering the spot with some shoes i rush over the desk and pick up.


"its wonwoo!" the boy started coughing through the other line. "hey, what happened? you sound terrible..." i announnce.

"i am... thats why i called, i cant be at the practice tomorrow!" he pouted, even though it was hard for him to even breathe properly at this moment.

"its okay, we'll just cancel it then!" i am so open minded today, its surprising to me as well!

"no you dont have to do that!"

"we will be talking about the new play, it wouldnt be the same without you! you have to be there, so get a good rest and dont think about the practice. just send an email to the kids right now saying its gonna get canceled, okay?!" i try to reassure him.

"you know... lately you are nice..." he giggles. "its not gonna last though, so take advantage of it while you can!" i whisper the last sentence and wonwoo chuckled through the pain.

"thank you sarang..." he coughs.

"you're welcome... now, send the email and rush back to sleep, okay?!" i hear mumbling a yes.

we shared a last goodbye and i hung up, leaving my phone on the desk again i start taking my things off my back.

i actually had so much work to do.

as a starter, i need to watch the all these movies and plays, as a way to take inspiration and get reminded about details, so i can see which movie was suitable for us.

i wont lie, staring at the list the first thing i noticed was fandom of the opera. then, i remembered seungkwan's passion when he explained the possibility of making that movie happen.

i couldng help it, i put that movie to play first.

after a while, i hear my phone buzzing for a text. i seriously didnt want to answer as i was paying close attention to the movie but curiosity was eqting me up.

Who's texting me?

i seriously have zero friends!

pausing the movie so i wont lose another second of it i grab the phone and place it in my hands.

i gasp as soon as i see chan's name on my recent text list. it seriously was the last person i would ever expect to see there.

whay is he doing there?!

i tap pn the message.


cancel of practice?! we never do that :')


wonwoo is really sick, we cant work without him!


that means i am left alone with so many free time tomorrow :(


thats sad, i am sorry to hear that!


if you are sorry why dont you help me fill up this time!




wanna go out?! maybe, eat something, have some fun... idk?!

i was staring at my phone like an idiot. is chan asking me out? this invitation is so discreet i cant even tell his motives.

act of love - boo seungkwanWhere stories live. Discover now