1: two mysterious strangers

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a person could be seen running the person is now shown in front of a school with a horse statue in the front of the school other people can be seen heading to the same school

i got your text rainbow blitz did something come through the portal? is Equestria magic on the lose? did dusk and y/n come back with a problem that only we can solve?

has a giant cake monster covered all the cakes in the world!?

ummmm...not exactly 

uh..i dont understand

well sunset i was just telling rainbow blitz here that a broken guitar string doesn't really qualify as an emergency

it totally does!

really rainbow blitz? i was in the middle of sewing a very complex applique on my latest frock

and i was just about to tuck everyone in for the night in the shelter and now i'll have to start stories all over again

why would you send all of us en emergency text for a guitar string

well i was going to pony up and show our fans some awesome guitar tricks but i kinda need all six guitar strings to do so got any extra?

sunset glare then reaches into his bookbag and pulls out a guitar string

here.but everyone finished practicing for the day iam pretty sure all the music rooms are locked

rainbow blitz the takes it and starts to fix his guitar

no problem the acoustics in the hallway are perfect for power cords come on lets go!

the group then heads inside but applejacks stops for a sec

you coming sunset?

i'll catch up in a bit

applejack then close's the door to catch up with the others

sunset then sits down on the stairs and pulls out a book with a yellow and red sun logo on the front he then takes out a pen and starts writing in the the book

"dear princess y/n and prince dusk how's life treating you in equestria? any new cool magic spells? its been pretty quiet here at chs since the battle of the bands we still pony up when we play music which rainbow blitz loves to show off but i still and quite grasp what it's all about i would love to hear what you think about it when you get a sack your friend sunset glare"

a bus then pulls up infront of the school which 

two hooded people then step out

one of them pulled out a device while the other just looked at it the two then start to walk around as if they was looking for something they then both stop in front of the statue once the arrow was facing green they both start to walk to the other side of the statue touching it 

sunset then looks up and is confused to see two hooded people touching the statue

hey! sunset yelled getting their attention 

the two both looked behind them 

what are you doing?

the two both then start to run

wait! stop!

the two people was across the street but sunset had to stop before he was run over a bus then pulls up and stops while one of the hooded people bout slipped the other person helped the other up and rushed into the bus sunset then gets to the other side of the street but missed the bus 

who were they?

the two hodded people then sat down in the back they both then pulled down their hoods one of them was a male he had short dark blue hair with purple and pink streaks in his hair he had light purple skin with magenta eyes  and he wear's glassess while the other was a female she had h/c with s/f/c (if you dont want a another color in your hair then ignore that) she had c/c and her eyes was a e/c they both sighed they both looked at each other and they both giggle and lean their heads back to realax


a school that is covered in vines with a light blue crystal roof and a dark building the bus then pulls infront of the school the two then get off the bus and walk towards the school they both then enter the school they then enter a medium-sized room the male then turns on the light on the male's side of the room he had many pictures of a school and many other things all connecting with red string 

the two are now working on something really focused on what they are working on the male then takes apart the monitor and takes some pieces out and hands them to the female the male is smiling at the neckless he has made it was pink dark purple and a dark blue he turned to the female and she smiled and she showed him the same thing but it was f/c s/f/c t/f/c both their cuite marks then appear in the middle of the neckless (t/f/c means third favorite color if you dont have a third then ignore that aswell)


everybody is shown in a library talking studying or reading or working the computers

while the others was looking for a book or reading on

they was definitely doing something to the statue or was going to

do you think they came through the portal from equestria?

no iam pretty sure i would have noticed that i think they was from over here

well thats a relief the last thing we need is a magical so-and-so bent on world domination coming over from equestria

aggred i have no interest in another fight against the powers of evil magic the wear and tear on my wardrobe is just too keep up with

still two mysterious figures snooping around the portal dont you want to know they was up to?

i dont even wanna guess 

well you dont have too! becuase i have totally got it figured it out who it was!

oh oh oh! a nighttime statue cleaner? a magical portal maintenance maintainer a gardner!?

seeing as how they got off a bus from the city and got back on a bus headed to the city i'll bet they go to

crystal prep....


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