A way out? (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Though he was wearing a yellow coat and beret. His face straightened up as he approached Jonah. "What the hell is all this? I stay in my room for a few minutes and you already FUCKED THINGS UP THAT FA-" Jonah interrupted him by sticking a candy apple in his mouth before giggling. "No need to be so angry Adam! You're home now!" Adam took the candy apple out of his mouth and tossed it behind him. "Home? What do you mean home? This looks nothing like my house?!" Jonah stood there with a blank face shaking his head a bit. He grabs Adam's hand and starts walking forward. "Where the hell are we going?"  "Just trust me, you're gonna enjoy your stay here!" He had no clue what Jonah was talking about. Why did he keep referring to this eye bleeding hell as his home? Why does he look so much like Jonah if he isn't Jonah? Or is he? 

He was snapped out of thought as he looked ahead, seeing a candy mansion in front of them. There seemed to be someone near the place on a picnic blanket. Though they looked pretty sad. "Here we are! We were just about to have a picnic and we don't mind adding in one more person! That okay with you?"  "Well I don't even kno-" He yet again got interrupted by Jonah's random outburst of happiness. "Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! My name's Jonah! Nice to finally meet you Adam! Oh! I'll go get Cesar!" Before he ran off Adam grabbed him by the arm. "Something wrong Adam? Do you really not want us to be apart yet..?"  "No, I was just about to ask who that person was over there.." Adam pointed to the person. He realised once he did that the person looked up in confusion before their face turns into fear.

"Oh that's just Mark, don't be shy when talking to him. He's a quiet yet sweet and caring person!"  "Alright then..You just go get your friend i'd really like to meet him." Jonah looked confused yet smiled wider. "Really?!"  "Yeah!" Jonah rushed into the mansion, somewhat skipping while doing so. In actuality, Adam didn't wanna meet this person. Especially if he was as hyped as Jonah was. He just wanted to stall him so he could talk to mark. He sits down beside him as mark sits in a ball, his arms close to his knees. "Hey, Mark..?" Mark turned over to him. "Hm...?"  "You know what's going on around here?" Mark stayed silent slowly turning his head back. "Did you not hear me ask a question?!" Adam yelled angrily, causing Mark to flinch. Adam noticed this, sighing. "Sorry, i'm sorry."

  "No no! You're right to be mad at me! I didn't answer your question.."  "That doesn't mean I get to just yell at you..." Mark lowly responded. "This is just your new home now. You'll have to accept that." Adam really didn't like the vibe Mark was giving off yet he still felt Mark would be of use to get him out of this hell. "What do you mean accept that? I could just escape!" Mark lowered his head. "You can't just escape, it's against the rules."  "What rules?"   "The rules Cesar put in place. Whatever you do here...Just be sure not to break his rules."  "You mean the person Jonah went to get?" Mark nodded yes. They both sat in silence waiting for Jonah to come with Cesar. Adam was starting to get curious on how Mark knew so much so decided to persist in asking him questions.

"Do you know what happens when you disobey his rules." That seemed to upset him as his breath hitches. Maybe Adam would put more and more pressure on him until he eventually gives in and tells him everything. "Have you ever disobeyed his rules?" More silence. After a few questions and short answers it was the final question that made Mark panic. "So if you disobey his rules, something bad will happen. Yet the only people who can do anything bad are those two." ..... "Has he ever done something bad to you."

 Mark out of nowhere snapped at him and yanked him by the collar of his hoodie, aggression and fear in his eyes as he spoke lowly. "I think you should stop asking questions now. They're making them uncomfortable." Adam didn't seem to get the warning as he smirked a little. "Who Mark? There's no one here but us." Mark started shaking a bit as tears started running down his eyes. Adam straightened his face as he watched the person slowly lean down and quietly cry. It would be a bad impression on him if the first thing he was known for is making someone cry. He hugged him and rubbed his back. "I'm...Sorry Mark. I didn't mean to go far with that...is it that bad...?"

"just stop asking questions, don't ask this many questions when they're around...They might think I-"  "Is everything okay?" A calm voice questioned. Mark immediately looked up and backed away from Adam. "yes sir, I just...Wasn't feeling the best.." Adam turned his head around and was met face to face with Jonah and...Cesar. "Well i'm sorry to hear you aren't okay Mark. Maybe the picnic will help you feel better!" He cheered. Cesar then turns his attention towards  Adam. "So you must be Adam Murray? Hm?" For some reason it then hit him. How did they know his full name..? He put out his hand. 

"I'm Cesar Torres. I hope you enjoy your stay at your new home, Adam."

New home...? 

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