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Exclusive Rights to an Online Voice Actor Chapter 1:
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It was only three o'clock in the afternoon when I returned to the apartment. The sun was fierce and the eyes of the white flower tingled.

Qi Qi closed her eyes, not because of the glare of the sun, but because he had almost no strength to open his eyes. For most of the residents here, it is still working time, the whole community is quiet, the surrounding sound seems to be dried up by the heat, attached to the body, and turned into sweat beads.

Qi Qi lives on the seventh floor and usually goes directly up the stairs. At this time, she made an exception and pressed the elevator button.

When the elevator door opened with a "ding", the ringtone of the phone rang almost at the same time, and the sound sounded ten times harsher than usual.

It is said that the mentally debilitated person is particularly sensitive to the sound, and it seems to be true. What's more, in front of me is a closed space, the echo effect is very good.

Qi Qi glanced at the phone number and judged that it was a number that if he didn't answer it now, within the next half hour, the phone would continue ringing, ringing a number that he couldn't sleep. If you turn off the phone, the person who called you may come to the door in an hour, so you do n’t have to sleep.

So pressing the answer key is the best and only option.


"Brother! Brother, you really came back today! When you are on a business trip, you never answer the phone. I dare not bother you, but I can continue to harass you when you come back!"

Qi Qi felt that her symptoms of mental depression were worse.

"Please press 1 for dinner, 2 for dinner, and 3 for your boyfriend."

"Although I really want to press 2 and 3, but these are waiting first ... May I ask which one is related to the network configuration?"

"This service has not been activated yet, bye." He was about to remove his phone from his ear, and an extremely tragic cry came from inside.

"Brother! I want to drink with you then--"

The killer came.

He sighed helplessly: "I know, let me sleep for a few hours first, and wake up to read the message."

Network dubbing, short for network dubbing, is a circle of dubbing enthusiasts that exists on the network.

Everyone in the network distribution circle has a story, and every story has a beginning.

Qi Qi is no exception.

Qi Qi is a media person, and the nature of his work predestined him to be involved in a wide range of secondary worlds, from public forums to private blogs, from upright academic materials to strange gossip posts. Fresh things are also willing to try.

When Weibo had just started, he already had a personal account and invited many friends around him to join. In the first two or three years, he just looked at current affairs, paid attention to some industry celebrities, and wrote interesting stories about life if he was interested. Until one day the college-age teacher and sister posted him on Weibo.

When I opened it, it turned out to be a popular Weibo with a considerable amount of reposts. The title was "Please ask the person with the sexiest voice around you, let him record a wake-up bell ~ ≧ ▽ ≦ / ~".

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