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Slowly, slowly, Idia's lips met Cater's as he closed the gap between them. Cater's heart, which had been thudding with the ferocity of a steel drum, raced as skin touched skin, and his internal monologue immediately switched to the ever-incoherent keysmash,"ASDFGHJKL."

They fumbled for a moment, their unsure fingers searching for purchase, but then Cater's hand, moving independently from his totally-melted brain, cupped Idia's cheek, deepening the kiss. Almost tentatively—because even for Cater, nerves reigned supreme here—their tongues touched. Cater's hand roamed down to Idia's waist, and, without thinking, he pulled him closer into him; and their bodies pressed together as they succumbed to the kiss.

The entire world around them dissolved into nothingness as they explored each other's mouths, and they only pulled away, lips tingling, when Idia murmured, "Cater, wake up."

Too lost in the moment, Cater was about to dreamily whisper back, "Okay, dude, if you want me to," but then he realized that the voice that had come out of Idia's mouth wasn't Idia's at all. But despite the sound being completely foreign, it also sounded suspiciously familiar, almost like ...

"Cater, I said, 'wake up!'" the same voice shouted, and Cater's eyes shot open.

He blinked groggily and was met with a very-unimpressed-looking Trey. However, Cater could barely focus on him, because ... SEVENS WHAT THE HECK HAD THAT DREAM BEEN ABOUT?! He could feel heat rush to his face, and he was pretty sure Trey noticed, as he tried to coolly say, "Hey, Trey-Trey! 'Sup?"

Trey rolled his eyes and shifted the brown Wonderzon parcel in his hands. "You, finally. What do you think you're doing—taking a nap in the Lounge?"

"I—I'm not napping," Cater protested, surveying his surroundings and realizing that he, indeed, was splayed across one of the fainting couches in the Heartslabyul Lounge. "I'm lounging, obvi."

"Right, I forgot," Trey rolled his eyes, "people always lounge with their eyes closed and with grins across their faces."

If Cater could turn redder, he probably would have. "I was grinning?!"

Trey nodded. "Big time. I've never seen you smile like that before. Must've been some dream." Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows. "Don't tell me it was about—"

"HAHAHA NOTHING, IT WAS ABOUT NOTHING," yelped Cater, doing the impossible and blushing a deeper shade of vermillion. Knowing Trey, he would probably end that sentence with something super-perceptive, like the word "Idia," and he sooooo could not have that right now. BUT OMG, he had been smiling IRL while dreaming that?! Um, SOS!!!! He coughed to try and regain some of his composure. "You saw nothing! Anyway," he nudged his chin toward the package Trey was holding to change the subject. "What's in the box? More baking supplies?"

"Actually, no." Trey handed the package to Cater. "It's addressed to you." When Cater opened his mouth to assert that he hadn't ordered anything, he clarified, "Well, not you, but a Miss Diamond."

Cater slumped back into the couch. "Ughhhh, it's probs one of my sisters'. They sometimes accidentally screw up the address—don't ask me how—and have stuff from Wonderzon ordered to NRC instead of home."

Feeling slightly miffed—knowing his sisters, they'd probably make him go through all the trouble of readdressing it to the correct place and mailing it himself—he opened his phone and sent them a quick pic of the parcel to show them where it had arrived.

As he sent the picture, he noticed that his calendar app was blinking a notification that said he had his weekly Pop Music Club meeting in a couple of minutes. Oooh, and this was another one of their meetings where they'd all be bringing snacks. He'd have to ask Trey if he had anything he could bring later.

(TWST Idia/Cater) so you'll dance with CinderellaWhere stories live. Discover now