Her smile

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10:45 AM

AK's pov: I was cleaning the downstairs of my house when my brother Cblu called

cblu: yo sis

AK: what you want lil boy

cblu: neva a lil boy wrd2 my deadz

AK: boy what you want?

cblu: can my friends come ova please sis

AK: nigga ion care cs ion got time for ya stupid ass attitude

cblu: thanks sis


AK pov: I finished cleaning and went up to my room and layed down.


Cblu pov: i was driving to my sister ak house with jenn KR and tata and Jenn: yo who was dat lightskin tata and KR agreed oh Ak she my olda sister they all said okay we arrived at my sisters house we got out and knocked on the door

AK: i heard a knock at my door i went down and i opened the door to see my brother

one short brownskin boy and 2 darkskins one was a boy and one was a stud

im not gon lie she was mad fine we had made eye contact but i started blushing so i looked away. i let them in they sat on the couch and cblu introduced me.

Cblu: aii yall this my older sister AK say hi stupid AK: i waved at them they waved back. and we all started talking and me and jenn kept making eye contact but i would blow it everytime. and start cheesing cause she was making me mad nervous and then she sat next to me. and we started talking.

Jenn: So whats ya name? i asked well my real name is Alissa but everyone calls me AK she said. thas a pretty name ma i said she says thank you jenn i love the way she says my name she quickly gave me a smile and i saw her braces ya smile so pretty i said thank youu she said and turned her head and smiled i grabbed her by her chin and said "look at me" she instantly looked at me and closed her legs i smirked and then Yo jenn and AK we finna head out for a lil bit yall comin tata said i looked at her she said no nahh we finna stay here and with that they left.


AK: me and jenn went up to my room and we was laying down watching shameless. and she put her hand my thigh and it slid up and i looked at her but she was still watching the tv. so i layed my head on her shoulder and she lifted me up and put me on her lap why would you do that i said cause i think you look prettier right here she said i start to blush and smile so I put my head on her chest and she grabbed me by my throat and told me to look at her I looked at her and she said you like girls I said yea but ion talk to anybody rn cause bitches is mad weird I said and she laughed and she said you ever did anything w anybody before and I shook my head no she mugged me and said "use your words mama" I tried to talk but I started to blush and stutter and she asked me was I okay i said yes and she looked at me then at my lips and kissed me i kissed back and she smiled and i tried to turn away but she grabbed on my neck tighter and she said ill be back and lifted me off of her and walked away.

AK: After that i just layed down and went to sleep i woke up to someone picking me up and i started moving and i heard jenn say shh mama i got you i woke up and look at her to and saw she had got a bag and she put it down and layed me back on the bed and she went over top of me and started to kiss me then she grabbed me by my neck and can i ma? she asked me i nodded my head unt unt use ya fucking words yo she said yes and she started to kiss me and take off my shirt then my bra to see my laced red bra with matching underwear and she smirked.

AK: she took her pants,shirt,underwear went in the bag and grabbed a vibrator handcuffs and a 10inch strap my eyes winded and she look at me and smiled showing off her braces she took my underwear off and my bra she kissed down my body until she got to my sweet spot and she started to kiss it. i let out a soft moan and she started to suck on my clit and she then put her fingers in and started to pump them in and out i moaned louder and covered my mouth. she took my hands with her free hand and tied them up and and started going faster my legs started to shake and my moans were getting louder then i felt this knot come up in my stomach and i started to scream her name and i squirted all over her face and i never did anything like that before so i was supried she wiped off her face and kissed me to make me taste myself im sorry i said for what? she asked you never did it before its coo

AK: i looked down to see a strap then i look back up we not done? i asked nervously she said nahh but i got you tho mama js calm down then she kissed me and slid it in slowly and went in and out slowly makin me wince in the process once i got used to it she put my legs on her shoulders and started going faster i looked at her and my eyes rolled back into my head as she started going faster J-JENN P-PLEASE I CANT ITS TO MU-MUCH P-PLEASE i pratically begged her and whos pussy is this she asked y-yours jenn it alll yours i said moaning and screaming. good girl~ she told me in my ear i started to shake and i felt that knot in my stomach. whats my name mama? d-daddy i stuttered out over and over.

AK: she could tell i was about to cum. you wanna cum ma? Y-yes p-please i begged. unt unt hold it ma she said i was on the edge while i was screaming and begging for her to let me cum. go ahead she said and i released all on her strap and my stomch and she kissed me.

Jenn: i kissed her you did such a good job mama i took off the strap picked her up took her bathroom i turned on the water and put us in she look at me and lazily smile and i smiled back i washed her off and took her back to the room sat her on her bed so i could find some clothes.

Jenn: i kissed her you did such a good job mama i took off the strap picked her up took her bathroom i turned on the water and put us in she look at me and lazily smile and i smiled back i washed her off and took her back to the room sat her on he...

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they just both have sweats on and with out the shoes and bag

Jenn: i cleaned up her room and the mess we made with her sleeping on me after putting the sheets in the washing machine i put new ones on and layed down and went to sleep.

let me kno if yall like this

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