Letter Writing

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Harry found time to be extremely slow, he often found himself daydreaming about Hogwarts and his upcoming year but lately, he felt that maybe he wouldn't be able to go because of his mysterious illness. Many fears erupted after that. "That means I would have to live with the Dursley's forever!" Harry said to himself. The thought made him sick, physically & mentally. He couldn't imagine living with the Dursleys full time, and even though they were being nice right now doesn't mean that they will continue to be kind. It just didn't work that way. Harry was supposed to be the child who was frowned upon by his family, not the one who was getting all the care and attention, that was Dudley's job. What frightened Harry the most was that his uncle was talking to him regularly and hadn't hollered at him once over the span of the pervious weeks. Harry's uncle never hit him but rather found a successful method that involved taunting & rude remarks that left permanent emotional scars. It worked but it didn't always work in his favor. Harry had rather becomed immune to his uncles' insults and never reflected on it. It made him feel better in the end knowing that his uncle was a just a fat heartless man. It was now August 23rd and Harry was insanely bored. His aunt had been in and out of his room all day to bring him food and medicine. Harry didn't mind to much; his aunt was actually a lot of fun to talk to. His aunt was supposed to come in around four to start the letters. Aunt Petunia had promised him that she would help write back to his friends, since then, he has received over five letters, and all were from Hermione. He knew that Hermione was most likely, freaking out over his absence, but he somehow found it in his heart to not care. He had been in so much pain lately, it was hard to care about anything, even his upcoming year at Hogwarts. He hoped Hermione would understand, but... she was difficult, and girls were just plain confusing. At four, Aunt Petunia stepped in and held out a tray of her famous freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

"Harry dear, would you like some cookies?" Aunt Petunia asked with a legitimate smile.

Harry shook his head even though this was the opportunity of century. His aunt never offered him tons of food even less, her famous cookies. He tried to smile but the sight of his aunts' cookies made him want to chuck up his breakfast. He held back though.

"No thank you, I don't really feel that good."

Aunt Petunia nodded and sat down on the edge of his bed. She took his temperature and saw that it was going down, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Okey let's get these letters done," said Aunt Petunia with a small gesture.

Harry gave her a skeptic look but quickly turned it into a determined look. He held out his hand and grabbed the nearest letter, it was from Ron. Harry handed it to Aunt Petunia gingerly.

"Ok, here's how its going to go, you will read the letters and write back a response that sounds like its from me, I will check it. Please be sure to tell them about the events that took place this summer, but please don't mention my sickness. Make stuff up if you have to." Harry said in a calm manner. Aunt Petunia nodded and got up to grab papers and pencils. As she got up, Harry grabbed her arm. "Thank you but are you sure you want to do this. I totally understand if you rather not do this." Aunt Petunia shook her head and rustled Harry's hair. Harry didn't pull back but stood shocked in place. She walked over to his nightstand and opened the top drawer to reveal papers and pens. She grabbed a stack of paper and two pens; she tossed one to Harry. She continued in silence while she opened the letter and started to write down stuff on the white flat paper. Harry didn't mind the silence, it felt weird to talk to his aunt actually truly about his feelings and life in generally. He grabbed the nearest letter and grabbed a piece of paper and started to write. The letter was from Sirius and was written in a colorful red tone.

Dear Harry,

Hey kiddo! It's been a while huh. I know you have received a lot of letters about our concern, and I hate to be one of those letters, but I am truly worried and feel that you may be in some danger of some kind. I won't judge you; I promise. Even a hi would be nice. I invite you to please answer our letters! I can't help you if you don't write to us! I am relieved that we will be coming to get you in a few days. I hope your ready cause I'm ready! See you soon kiddo!

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