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- Don't sweat it. Just don't do it again, and take your medication, the officer says and leaves. Before she has reached her car, she turns around.

- Oh, almost forgot. Could you show me your driver's license? she asks me.

- My what? I ask her, and she gives out a laugh. It does not sound very amused or happy, but rather nervous.

- Your driver's license, sir, she repeats. I look at Eve, but she just shakes her head slowly. The next thing I do is probably not the best possible solution, but it is the only one that I can think of at the moment. I step on the pedal and let the car leave the officer alone on the road.

- Milan-hybrid-twenty-three, stop immediately or there will be consequences! she yells after me, and enters her car. I soon have two cars behind me, and three in a while.

- What happened? Cee asks.

- We are chased again, Eve answers.

- If that's the case, why don't we just send MB-344013 at them? Sam suggests.

- It would be no use, Sam, Eve explains.

- Why not? MB-344013 just saved us a while ago, Sam answers. Eve does not answer at first. Instead, she looks at the road ahead.

- They will be prepared to face Robotsky this time, she then answers, and continues to stare forward.

- Eve, what is wrong? I ask her, but she insists that nothing is wrong. I decide to trust what she says, but it still feels like something is bothering Eve.

- When where you guys rescued by the Bots United Towards Tyranny group? Sam asks Adam and Cee after a few minutes of silence.

- I was saved after Adam, Cee says.

- Why are you asking us this? the half face of Adam asks Sam.

- We will spend much time together, so it would be most fitting with a social ceremony such as learning more about one another, Sam explains to the two other humanoid robots.

- That's a great idea, Sam, Eve says and turns her face to him. Adam stares blankly ahead, before beginning to tell his story. I do not hear much, because I have to focus on the road and the police cars. I am actually pretty good at driving, because we are getting closer to the airport and we are not caught yet. I can actually hear a little from the conversation.

Apparently, Adam was bought by a member of the Bots United Towards Tyranny on a flea market. The old owner wanted to have a whole robot, but PunchINC's guarantees did not cover Adam for some reason. Instead, the owner tried to at least get some of the money back by passing Adam onto the second-hand market... just like that taxi driver tried to earn money by selling me and Sam. Cee was saved from an underground fighting club where someone would demonstrate an effective way to kill someone. Luckily, a member of the fighting club was also a member of the BUTT, so they decided to sneak Cee out. I do not hear how they did it, but the very thought of sneaking a victim out of a place full of murderous people is jarring.Sam tells his story, about him being ordered by Rupert Fincer and then rescued by me only a few days ago. He then tells them about the taxi driver, and when we were stalked by Shaun believing he had malicious intentions, and at last he tells about the casino and the first contact with the Bots United Towards Tyranny, when Shaun and the two women saved us.The stories of Cee and Adam were surprisingly interesting, I did not expect them to be so complicated. Now I am curious about the story of Eve. I ask her.

- Will you please focus on your driving, she says. I then hear four sirens, and see a helicopter accompanied by seven drones through the rear-view mirror on the left side.

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