The Best Prank Ever

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Piper: The moment we've all been waiting for.
Hazel:*giggles* Shh Piper have you got the camera ready?
Annabeth: Hazel, I've gotta admit, this prank is Hermes-worthy
Hazel: Thank you *peers into Percy's room*
[inside Percy's room, Percy, Leo, Frank, Jason and Nico are lying next to each other on the floor, the girls had dragged them there while they were all sleeping heavily]
Hazel: Now....*sneaks in with a giant trash bag and starts setting stuffed animals around them*
Annabeth: You have a hundred of them! How in Hades...?
Hazel: I found Octavian storage room!
Piper: Ready guys? *raises Hedge's bullhorn to her lips* HEY LOSERS
[All five boys jump up and thrash around, while Piper take a video on her camera]
Percy: Whoa! Teddy bears galore!
Nico: How did we sleep through this?
Jason: Leo, get off of me!
Leo: Sorry man!
Frank: *Looks right at Hazel*
Hazel: *shrugs innocently*
Nico: Stop looking at my sister!
Percy: WAR!
Leo: Get the bears! GET THE BEARS!!
Annabeth: Oh no you don't! *picks up hedgehog plushie and throws it at Leo's head*

[A full blown war erupts; Frank once turning into a bunny and Annabeth throwing him at Jason; The girls win]

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