~.✧ twelve ✧.~

111 14 301

My hands trembled as I reread the letter I'd received this morning another time

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My hands trembled as I reread the letter I'd received this morning another time. Still, even after reading it for what felt like the twentieth time, I struggled to understand it.

In neat, loopy handwriting, perfectly spaced and lined, was Ezalie Corzavan's acceptance to my invitation for tea.

For some odd reason, I'd had a small feeling that she was going to refuse. I'd never hosted something like this, especially all on my own, so I hadn't been sure what to expect. I knew Ezalie was very cordial, and even if she hadn't shown indications of liking me, she would have chosen to come because that was just who she was. But she'd asked to be my friend which gave all the more reason for her to say yes. So why was I so surprised? Why was I so nervous?

That last question was easy to answer. I was generally always nervous when it came to social settings.

Why had I done this again?

Oh, yeah. Because I was trying to be better. I was trying to be better for Braz and for Asria and, ultimately, for myself. I could do this. I could do this.

A knock sounded on the door of the parlor and I trembled harder as two servants brought in tea and trays of cookies and sandwiches. I at least hoped I could do this...

"Your Highness," another servant said, popping up in the doorway out of nowhere.

I jumped and tried to hide it by tucking my hands behind my back and straightening my posture into the most composed-appearing position I could muster. "Yes?"

"Ezalie Corzavan awaits at the front of the castle. Would you like me to escort her in?"

I swallowed. I hadn't thought of that part. Was I supposed to meet her down there? Was that the polite thing to do? Or for smaller events like this, did the servant generally escort guests? I wasn't sure. So I quickly made the decision before I could overthink it, nodding to the servant. That would work, right? She wouldn't be offended. Hopefully...

I was starting to become exponentially grateful that I wasn't heir and didn't have to do this type of planning on a normal basis.

When all three of the servants exited, a moment of calm passed where I could take a quick breath and compose my thoughts before the tea began. Swallowing, I told myself a couple more times that I could do this. Not ten seconds later, another knock sounded against the door.

Slowly, I walked over and pulled it open, peeking around to see Gentry standing in the hall. I blinked a couple times, for she wasn't dressed in her usual maid uniform but in a simple, lavender day dress with lace sleeves.

She shifted from one foot to the other, obviously uncomfortable at my silence. "I hope this is appropriate. It was the nicest dress I owned."

I quickly snapped myself into it. "Oh, yes, you look lovely... I'm sorry, c-come in." I pulled the door open wider and partially hid behind it to obscure my shaky grip on the handle. She stepped inside the parlor, giving me a generously low curtsy and heading toward the table.

~.✧ Austora ✧.~ [COMPLETE]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora