Fantasmical Character

Start from the beginning

Her eyes had to adjust to the darker setting under the ocean and her eyes slowly changed to a lighter colour. Her once deep green eyes turned to light almost white blue.

The last change that occurred because of her change was the most dramatic to her, the veins under her skin that used to give her a light red blush now give the lightest blue hue. Her skin often looks blue because of it.

Hair - A natural white dyed an ocean blue.

Eyes - Bright blue, almost white.

Skin - White British but with a blue hue in the veins.

Tail - Blue, Gold, Purple, Browns and Reds.

Education - All mermaids attend something like a school most of their young lives. Maliah was in this school for 200 years but many continue even longer than that well into their 300s.

Career - Because of her past Maliah had a clear interest in all things human but many around her thought the obsession would lead to bad things and tried to keep her away. Only one saw the need for the knowledge and she became an apprentice to the Human Historian. Which is less about their actual history and more about understanding them as a species. With a lot of exploration near humans.

Personality - Maliah is quiet and watchful. She may have been a mermaid for almost 400 years but even now she feels like she's not completely one of them. She keeps to herself, watching the others and trying to replicate them but feeling very dishonest to herself. She's often overlooked or forgotten. A background image who goes by undetected by others. But she has a very serious outlook on right and wrong, often going as far as getting into fights when she was younger because of this outlook on the world.

Quirks - Maliah has spent the last couple of decades trying to make her anger and rage disappear. She's tried for years trying to become a better version of herself but every now and again she will have nightmares, can still see that man's face clear as day and she goes into this rage. She sees red and it seems like nothing will calm her down again. Then she'll find something else she remembers about her past. A good memory about her family and she will calm and breathe once again.

Skills - Maliah isn't naturally skilled at things mermaids are known for. In fact, just swimming took her a couple of years to master. However, she gets much better at her mermaid powers when she's in the heat of her anger, known to change the weather to unruly storms when she's in these moments. And when she's calm she can't even make a single rain drop. She is very powerful when she's not controlling herself.

Interest - She's obsessed with humans and learning more about them. She'll often go on unsanctioned visits to the surface just to see them and watch them silently from the ocean. Often getting into trouble because of this it never stops her from doing it again, however.

Hobbies - While her interest is more human-focused she does enjoy a few more 'normal' mermaid past times. She will often go ocean exploring with her best friend. Going deep into the ocean to find more species of animals or new treasures. She and her friend dream of becoming pirate mermaids to explore the ocean and the human world together. They've both learnt undersea sailing to get around faster and have been known to spend hours talking with the wildlife around the city.

Likes - Exploring, Learning, Visiting the Surface, Having Adventures.

Dislikes - Evil, That Man, Her Anger Issues.

Fears - Being stuck in that ocean city any longer. Also like Global Warming seems like an issue they should all be afraid of.

Strengths - Being invisible - to both other mermaids and the humans on the surface. She has a lot of knowledge of humans and could probably go to the surface and blend right in -even if she would never get permission for that.

Weaknesses - She's judged and disliked by most other mermaids, her life was spent being bullied and as such she has a hard time standing up for herself. However, she will always stand up for right and wrong. She's been known to get into a scrape or two over her viewpoints on rules and laws.

Abilities - As with most Mermaids Maliah has these powers/abilities even if she's a bit behind everyone else;
Water Control
Weather Control
Siren Song
Communication with Sea Animals

Where will Maliah Finley's Life Take her this Fantasmical Season? Follow Along and Find Out Whats Around the Corner for her.

Maliah Finley's Character Inspirations

Maliah Finley's Character Inspirations

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