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Heyy my dear readers,

This marks the end of another book after a long long journey. 

It's not the easiest story to read, I know (plus not the easiest to write ༼ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽ ), but I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed the writing process.

Soooo, here are a few things I really should clarify about the book.

 1. The age of the main characters, drinking, and sex 

Alright, any opinion should be valid about this topic. if you find it uncomfortable, it's alright, if you don't, that's all good too. 
Everything I've written is within Wattpad guidelines, I suppose it's best to point out. And I've separated detailed mature content from the main story.

I'm no saint to preach to anyone about how to live their lives. What I can say, though, is, be responsible for your own actions, be within your region's law, and stay safe.

2. The conversation about Feng's sexual preferences (extra chapter)

In the extra chapter, I mentioned this about Feng and (to be blunt) anal sex: "It's . . . too gay of a thing, maybe. For him"
I want to point out that this is not true in all cases. What I've tried to show here is someone who hasn't bothered to listen to their partner's needs.

A person's preferences regarding sexual activities don't make them any more or less gay. Sexuality is not a choice, whereas a preference is something developed based on experience, insecurities, and, well, tastes. They are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE.

Either way,
 - communicate
 - explore
 - research and educate yourself
That may help in dealing with insecurities too.

3. The competition procedures 

I should admit, I've never taken part in a classical music competition. This is all based on research. The levels of the competition and how each level is conducted are decided by the organization. The competition mentioned in this book is close to the general procedure, I imagine. But I don't think you'll ever find a competition that has finals and semifinals on the same weekend. Do tell me if I've got anything more wrong.


That's mostly it. As always you can ask more questions, I will add them up later.

Also, I  think I should address the lack of updates.
This book is dear to me on a personal level. Apart from all external factors, writing this pushed me far off my comfort zone. Yeah, it wasn't a walk in the park.
When I tried speeding I realized that I'm putting an unnecessary amount of stress on myself for something I should be enjoying. And then someone close to me gave me this advice, "Writing shouldn't be a chore." (thank you, and love you, always)
So I decided to slow down and take my time, and here is the result for you.

Also, I've honestly been busy.

So finally, thank you everyone for reading and being with me through this long journey. And thank you for all the votes and comments. I read each and every one of them, and they keep me going even when it's toughest. Love you guys so so much.

I'm planning on doing some edits, also keep an eye on side stories. I will be posting on my profile when I upload.

Soooo, that ends The Last of Winter *still don't believe it*
Thank you thank you once again. It was a pleasure writing to you guys.

See you around (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


The Last of Winter (YiZhan)Where stories live. Discover now