Author's note

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All right.

Hello everyone! 

Welcome to my first ever YiZhan story!! 

Firstly, why YiZhan? 
For a change of the chemistry. Because I've been writing wangxian for a while, and, yeah, it felt like it's time to change things up a little, since I'm coming back from a break, and a little out of touch from my usual style.

This one was, and remains to be, a challenging piece of s story. Whew.
But regardless, I've been trying my best to get back on track, and as always I try to publish the best outcome I can manage to finish.

This might be a ride. Might not be a ride. I hope you'll find it relatable. Or even a remembrance... Just that you'll enjoy your read 

And be sure to check out the disclaimers, trigger warnings, and credits. I should add that the school systems I've written in this might not be 100% accurate. It's only based on limited research.
Also, you're free to point out any mistakes you come across. That'll be very helpful.

Enjoy, have a good day!



The names, characters, and personality traits are used for fictional purposes and do not bear any relevance to actual people who bear them.

The education and demographic systems represented in the story may not be accurate or identical to the actual systems.

(check the inline comments)

Cover Page


Chapter 01

Chapter 02

Chapter 03

Chapter 04

Chapter 05

Chapter 06

chapter 07

Chapter 08

Chapter 09

Chapter 10

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Trigger Warnings

Smoking, underage characters, nonconsensual behavior, homophobia, vomiting, panic attacks

©axxgray 2022

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