Fantasmical Character

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Leviathan 'Levi' Heiland



Levi is the reincarnated soul of the demon prince Leviathan. He was born on the island of Isoliel, and is Isolian.

Physical Attributes
• Levi is good looking in a general sense. Neither broad nor thin, he stands at 5'9. He is sturdy and strong, but not necessarily muscular.
• His jaw is square, his chin is blunt, and his nose is tapered.
• Levi's eyes are round and deep-set. The right eye is a shade of silvery blue, while the left is cloudy and sightless, and often covered by a leather eyepatch.
• His hair is dark, and trimmed so that it just barely brushes the tips of his ears. It is often styled with macassar oil, and combed back so that not a single hair is out of place. He sometimes wears a dark gray top hat over it, if ever he doesn't want to deal with styling it.
• His skin is pale, with a soft gray undertone. This is caused by his Isolian blood, which runs gray through his veins.
• Levi tries to keep himself as well groomed as possible, and that also extends to his clothes. Though the handful of shirts and trousers he owns are well worn, with the colors faded, they are kept as crisp and unwrinkled as possible. In his pocket he always carries a handkerchief and a pocket watch.

Levi was raised by the woman he knew as his mother. She taught him most everything he would need to know. If put into our world's term, he would have the equivalent of a highschool education.

The town nearest the cabin Levi grew up in was distrustful of his mother all throughout his life. She had appeared one day and never spoke to anyone, except when buying food and supplies. Even at a young age the townsfolk's suspicion extended to him, but when he was older and tried to find employment Levi was ostracized. No one would let him work for them. Because of this he decided to leave home in order to make something of himself. He traveled to the capital city of Isoliel: Heldentun. Once there he spent some time as a street sweep, before he was able to get a job as a night watchman. That is his current job.

Levi is a rule follower. He likes order. He thinks that the laws help keep that order, however more than anything else he believes in peace and justice. This sometimes requires him to walk a thin line, especially relating to his job as an enforcer of the law, but he would never dream of actually crossing it.

Levi is a loyal person, and values honesty. He is sensitive to loved ones needs and emotions, but can be clingy at times. This comes from the fact he only ever had his mother growing up, and she was not always the most emotional person. This aloofness caused him to read deeper into her actions as a child, and work to please her as much as possible. This has affected him later in life, making him an overthinker and people pleaser in some regards.

Also relating to his isolation as a child, Levi often struggles with people having different views from him and can be inflexible. He can be insecure and has difficulty taking criticism, mostly taking it negatively. Levi is an envious person at times, though it is most prominent when relating to his loved ones and the relationships they might have with other people. He often feels restless, though he doesn't know why.

Levi is a self-oriented perfectionist. He likes to look as neat and tidy as possible, and can be a bit of a clean freak in his endeavor. In general, he has a deep obsession with perfection, and subconsciously judges others by their flaws. His internalized ableism is even stronger when relating to his own flaws. This is shown through the hatred he has for his blind eye, often being defensive and touchy when asked about it. He likes things to be neat and tidy and is always trying to keep things that way, sometimes becoming irritable if things aren't the way he wants them. Because he was an outcast in his early life, he does to some degree believe that being as perfect as possible will help him fit in.

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