Lilac Filled Summers

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I ran faster trying my best to avoid all the branches hanging from the trees above. I nearly fell over my own feet several times and had to ignore the cuts on my legs and arms had started to turn bright red. The sound of flapping of wings could be heard above me. I needed to run faster. I needed to get away. The creature opened its mouth releasing flame. The intense flame surrounded me, burning my skin to a crisp brown. I cried in pain, wishing I could die right there…

“Akun!” I woke up in a panic. I could feel my face burning up. My clothes from last night were soaked in sweat. I rubbed my eyes, opening them to reveal an angry Mina. Her tan hands were on her hips and her strawberry blonde hair covering her green eyes due to the fact she was bending over.

“Well, well if it isn’t Miss I can go hunting whenever I want and forget to take care of the kids and then the amazing Mina has to take care of them.”

“I have a pretty long name.” I felt a force causing my head to jerk forward.

“Watch your mouth. Didn’t Fzera tell you to respect your elders?”

I looked up at the small girl. It was true that she was Fzera’s fiancée but she was only five years older than I making her twenty-two. “You’re still young. Besides it’s not like you don’t love them.”

Her eyes immediately lit up. The best was to get Mina to stop being angry was mentioning the children. They were practically her world since she couldn’t have children of her own. She smiled slightly. “Yes. It’s true. Now come along.”

She helped me stand before slipping a hand under my shirt. She raised it over my head. She mumbled something before undressing me fully and helping me to the bath. Mina always had a motherly instinct even with me. I could barely dress myself when she was here.

After getting ready, I ran downstairs already seeing the children eating porridge. Shuno was sitting to the far end of the table across from Amerias. The eight year old girl had shoulder length hair the color of a raven’s feathers and green eyes much like Mina’s. Eryu sat next to Amerias. He was playing with his food as usual.

“Eryu you’re ten years old. Stop playing with your food.” Mina voice came from behind me as she came in the room carrying Polsda. She was barely one but she was more trouble than anyone.

“Ok mom.” Aryu quickly picked up his spoon and quickly stuffed his face with porridge. I suppressed a giggle. Mina glared at me and sat down next to Shuno.

“Akun?” Shuno called to me. I walked over to him and ruffled his already messy hair. 

“Morning.” I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek before picking him up. I took his place in the chair, letting him sit on my lap.

“You’re going to baby him Akun.” Mina warned just as Fzera turned around to join us.

“Let her be Minnie.” Fzera sighed before giving Mina a kiss on the cheek.

“Marrow!” I flinched at the name voiced by Amerias. I had totally forgotten he came over every morning to go fishing with my brother.

“Why hello Marrow. Are you hungry?” There she goes again offering food to anyone younger than her. It was her motherly instinct.

“Hey Mina. No thanks. I want to get out early. I have something to do when I get back.”  His brown eyes met mine. We both knew what he needed to do. He gave me a sad look in which I snorted at.

“Well that’s quite alright. Fzera why don’t you go now. I can take care of the children.” She said rocking Polsda to sleep.

“Alright.” Fzera stood up. “Let’s go Akun.” Both Akun and Marrow looked at him at shock. He never allowed me to go fishing with him ever.

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