Although her white button down blouse showed the outline of her cream colored bralette and her nipples were visibly hard, all she could do was cross her arms over her chest and finally take in her surroundings. Great. Out of all the buildings she could have barged into, she ended up at a bar. It wasn't bad looking. It had a gothic feel to it, the walls were black and the furniture was nearly all crimson red and Victorian looking. The lighting was dim but there was windows big enough for natural sunlight to peak in— which there wasn't much due to how cloudy it was outside. Taking notice of the bartender wiping the counter, and two men sitting together by a nearby window with their briefcases and expensive looking suits, she felt a little uncomfortable. Because six pairs of wandering eyes casually watched her next move. The two men sitting together stopped talking when she came in. It was probably because she looked insane. Not paying any mind to them and sighing, Hela walked over to the long counter and plopped down on one of the stools while quickly adjusting her black pencil skirt. She was overly exposed, which was incredibly out of her comfort zone.

        "What can I get for you beautiful?" The question snapped Hela out of her daze, glancing up she could feel her cheeks heating up. She was so out of it that she didn't even notice the bartender in front of her when she sat down— her mind was racing over a thousand thoughts at once and her heart beat was pounding in her ears. "umm could I please have.." her eyes wandered over the drink menu.. "a shot of saké." reaching into her pocket she brought out her license from her wallet, the bartender lightly scanned over it and nodded. "You live in the neighborhood?" He smiled while tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear. "Used to.." Hela smiled bitterly. "Used to?" His hands delicately passed over a crimson red shot glass and the Saké bottle. "About ten minutes ago, I got home to my fiancé having sex with my little sister." Hela watched his expression as he elegantly poured the drink for her. "And you ran out? Judging from the condition you're in."

       Hela nodded, a hum escaped his lips. "So I'm pretty sure that after today, I'll be leaving that place." She added silently and glanced around. The two men sitting together had gone back to speaking quietly, smiling and laughing while drinking— it was nice, the atmosphere felt cozy— an unforgiving thunderstorm, the soft R&B music playing in the background, and the relaxing dark lighting. "It's a shame." The bartender muttered and clicked his tongue while eyeing Hela. "A shame?" She asked, "He must be blind— a dumb ass or just an all around idiot." She listened while swigging the shot glass and scrunching her face softly as the alcohol made contact with the back of her throat. "I think they're both equally as stupid— my mom and dad are both going to have an aneurysm when they find out." Hela's accent seeped through the sentence, rubbing her temples and stared back at the male across from her and chuckled while shaking her head. "Hm I guess I can definitely agree with you on that one." The bartender shrugged while cleaning a glass. Feeling something press next to her, Hela tensed up and glanced at the figure next to her. Both of the men from the window, were now sitting on the counter, she could finally see more of their features. One had long raven black hair and it was all neatly pinned back in a half bun, he had dull cold eyes and his friend had a mane of ghostly white hair, followed by piercing crystalline blue eyes. They were both equally beautiful, looked very expensive and sharp. Hela glanced away, it wasn't nice to stare for too long— and they had noticed she had turned her attention to them. "Can we have two shots of vodka and — you dear, what would you like?" His voice sounded elegant, smooth— like a mouthful of wine in your mouth. Hela smirked and couldn't help to laugh.

Her reaction caught them off guard, "Are you asking me?" She pointed her index finger toward herself. "Who else would I be asking? The bartender?" He deadpanned, a hint of sarcasm in his tone while nodding. "Who am I to turn away a free drink from two handsome fellas— let me have a cherry coke with Jäegermeister..make it more alcohol than coke though." Hela winked at the bartender. "So Foreigner— where are you from? My friend and I started a stupid bet to see who guessed correctly." Hela stared at the male next to her and smirked. "I bet I've got both of you beat, what does the winner get?" She asked, glancing at the second man. "We haven't decided yet." He grinned, the pair exchanged a glance. "Are you American?" Hela shook her head. "You're too tall to be Asian — you're very slender—pale— you have a great ass." The last comment caused Hela to fall into a fit of laughter. "Geez keep it coming, I might laugh myself out of my underwear." Sipping from her drink, and taking a few big chugs she kept saying 'no' to all of their wrong guesses. "I am actually half Mexican and Russian— it's been pitiful listening to all of this." Slapping the guy on the shoulder she stood up and looked at the clock. "It's been fun, but I'm leaving now." Chugging the last of her drink, she waved at the bartender and started padding toward the door as it opened. It was dark outside now and she was probably going to head home to grab some things to head to a hotel.

Walking toward the entrance, her eyebrows furrowed in anger and hurt seeing her fiancé panting at the door. "Jesus Christ — we've been looking for you since you stormed out." His tone was low, he obviously didn't want to cause a scene, her sister shortly entered the building, shivering with bloodshot red eyes, Hela could tell she had been crying. Backing away, she could feel her entire posture tense up, like a cornered wounded animal— she was getting ready to lash out. Swallowing hard she shook her head— already incredibly inebriated. "Are you seriously begging for me to come home after fucking my little sister in our bed? Are you stupid?" Hela's breathing was starting to become uneven. The numbing effects of the alcohol couldn't replace the shattered hollow feeling in her chest. "And you brought this hooker with you too?" It was obvious that the bartender caught on to what was going on, the men on the counter stared curiously.

Backing up, Hela bumped onto something— no, someone. It was the man from the counter, at this close proximity the smell his cologne was intoxicating. "The bet was one of us could take you home."


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