Chapter 5 [revised]

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I may have been enraged, but I do think I might have exaggerated only a teeny bit.

Tears stung my eyes, I hated the fact he was laughing at me(I think I might have misunderstand). And having this guy laughing wasn't helping anything(technically he wasn't even laughing though).

I although, I made sure that the sword in my hand was steady, even though half of my body was already trembling a lot.

First things first, never lose your cool.

I had to remain calm, do not let your feelings consume you.

He seemed threatening but he had not yet seen my face, even from a far it would be almost impossible, including the fact that this mask is magical, so it's almost impossible to be able to see my face properly.

But he didn't seem so surprised, well it's to be expected. He seems older than me, so it means he's an upperclassmen, and if he's an upperclassmen, he must think he has the upper hand(dunno how that works).

He only looked at me amused. And the more he stared and everything calm, the more the situation seemed funnier to me that made me slightly tilt to the right side with a small smirk tugging at the left corner of my lips. I may have a mask but it's easy to tell when someone isn't as intimidated as you would think.

And so surprised he said,

"I'm sorry, earlier I thought I had seen the most beautiful of races, I had not realized you were actually a man, not to mention not even a mythical creature as such."

The funny thing was when he mentioned, not even a mythical creature as such. It was somewhat easy to fool others who get offended and say wanted the "spiritual creature" that founded their family. The only way to enter this academy is if, and only if, you have a mythical creature is the embodiment of your family, or if you have excessive talent. So even commoners can enter. If I were to say I'm from the black devils wolves clan, he could instantly figure out who I am. I am not as stupid and foolish as he believed.

"Ah, well then I apologize for being less than you expected... Young master. But I am clearly not someone who is as beautiful as an angel or as fair as a fairy. I hope you have not mistook my appearance for as frail as a "porcelain doll" because I am no such thing."

I glared at him and smiled, then turned on my heels and walked away towards the training grounds, because I was indeed actually frail, weak, unable to protect myself against someone like him. I had forgotten the fact that this body was not my old one, the one that had built up stamina and strength. And because this was the hard truth. I was scared. He looked astonished because I had not said anything related to my families founding mythical creature. But I was more fearful because I had just realized who this man was indeed.

Wolfcut long wavy brown hair, green gorgeous eyes, a big large physique, and plump pink lips that just look so good that you just wanted to get a ta- *slap* get it together!!! You are a guy now!!! You are no longer a female!!! You cannot, I repeat, cannot!!! Fall in love with.

His Grace of the east's son, Giovanni Faris Killian.

He is the male leads best friend, and one of the love interests( I was definetly not one of the girls dumping over him, mhph), also killed by Elyon, and the man that tried to kill the genius demons "lover".

I have to keep myself in check, maybe he won't kill me if I don't cause a major massacre in all of Larinuos. I don't want to commit the same mistake...? What? Same mistake??? What mistake! I was not the one who made the mistake of the greatest villain in all of Larinuos's history!!! So why would I think that way....

Reincarnated as the villain(Bl)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora