"Hmm?" Ryujin hummed, turning to meet Yeji's gaze.

"Why are you nervous?" Yeji asked softly.

"How could you tell?" Ryujin mumbled, stepping out of the expanse of the bathroom, secretly admiring how Yeji had so neatly unpacked and organized both of their personal belongings.

"I'm your best friend. Comes with the territory." Yeji affirmed. "Also, the pacing is a dead giveaway."

Ryujin blew out a laugh, shaking her head. "I don't know. It's just-this has always been a challenge for me. The first time I came out to my family, the first time I told them I wanted to pursue art." She trailed off, eyes glazing with the memories.

"Were they unkind to you?" Yeji asked, suddenly quite defensive.

"What?" Ryujin looked up in sudden surprise. "No, no." she shook her head. "Nothing like that. I just-I've found that I'm always under the heaviest judgement here. And I guess, some part of me just wants to make them proud. But lately, with my career, and no boyfriend or girlfriend..." She sighed, shaking her head once more. "I don't know. I can't help but feel a bit like a disappointment."

"You have me." Yeji nudged her arm with a small smile.

Ryujin sighed. "I-I know. And thank you for agreeing to do this. But, I guess-It's me that I'm having trouble convincing. I'm the one who doesn't really believe in myself."

Yeji sighed, pulling Ryujin into a deeply expressive hug as she rubbed her back comfortingly, allowing Ryujin to melt into her.

"I can't think of a way to say this that won't sound trite, or dull, but god, Ryujin, if someone deserves to hear this, it's you." Yeji mumbled. "You're perfect."

Ryujin fought off the tears that threatened to spill, opting for a hoarse laugh instead. "God, Hwang-Don't go falling in love with me." She teased, but the sentiment behind the idle words were strong.

Yeji shook her head, hugging Ryujin closer as she laughed in turn. "Don't worry, I won't."

Ryujin took a step back, drying the mist from her eyes with a tissue she plucked from the nightstand beside her, careful not to ruin her immaculate eyeliner. "Ready?" She asked gently.

"Always." Yeji smiled, offering her hand as Ryujin laced it with her own, beginning the great pilgrimage to the restaurant.


The sounds of the buzzing restaurant set Yeji on edge.

Okay, so she was nervous. A little.

She knew that it was all fake, that the impressions she made with Ryujin's friends and family weren't so important in the long run, but she still felt as if she owed it to Ryujin to be on her best behavior.

Ryujin had still been holding her hand, idly brushing it with her thumb every now and then, without noticing. Of course, each time, Yeji had gotten chills, but she simply attributed it to the "chilly air".

Granted, Los Angeles knew no such thing in the summer, but it was the best excuse she had.

They approached the two doors marking the entrance of the hotel's main restaurant, which had a line wrapping around the back end of the hall.

Yeji fought the urge to gape. "Ryujin, you said your parents already have a table?"

Ryujin nodded. "My dad can pull some serious strings." Yeji nodded slowly, taking in the glory of it all. That kind of power, the influence...she wanted it all. She wanted to have that kind of control over her life.

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