She couldn't help the shy smile that found its way to her lips.


"Ryujin." Yeji knocked on the bathroom door tentatively. "It's been-" she glanced at her watch. "-two hours. I can hear you pacing in there."

Ryujin's protests were for naught.

"I'm not pacing." "Why are you still in there? I changed already." Yeji called back, leaning against the door.

"I-this dress isn't going to work." Ryujin sighed from her side. "Can you maybe, look into my luggage and choose something else?"

Yeji's eyes widened, and she immediately caught onto what was happening. "Again?" She asked somewhat incredulously. "Ryujin, you've been out maybe three times. What's gotten into you? You're supposed to be the cool one."

"I am the cool one." Ryujin's teasing was half-hearted.

Yeji straightened up, knocking on the door.

"Yes?" Ryujin sighed, unsure of why Yeji just bothered knocking after their entire exchange.

"Ryujin." Yeji murmured. "May I come in?"

"Yeah, yeah." Ryujin sighed once more. "It's open."

Yeji stepped in, pushing the door open tentatively as her eyes went up to meet Ryujin.

Yeji gaped.

Ryujin looked simply stunning. She was wearing a summer dress, in a cool ashburn hue that matched her eyes. Her earrings were just visible, sparkling behind her loosely styled hair, her makeup light and soft.

Shin Ryujin was a goddess.

"You look-"

"Terrible, right? Over the top?"

"What? God, no. Ryujin, you look so beautiful." Yeji murmured, forgetting where she was and why she was there.

She was losing herself into Ryujin's gaze, and she was fine with drowning in those pools, allowing the currents to float her away into Ryujin's embrace.

She snapped out of her haze when she noticed Ryujin's intense blush.

"What, seriously?" Ryujin gaped back at her, glancing in the mirror, her frown slowly fading. She then wheeled around, her eyes taking in every inch of Yeji's body.

Yeji herself was wearing a black dress, the straps thin on her tanned shoulders, revealing her athletic physique under her wavy brunette locks, which sat freely on her shoulder. Her feline eyes danced with light, the dress matching her own gaze.

"Huh." Ryujin shook her head, leaning back against the sink.

"What?" Yeji asked, slightly self-conscious, heart sinking. Ryujin didn't like the dress?

"Do you ever look bad?" Ryujin shook her head, voice in awe. "I just-you always look so damn good."

Yeji blushed, heart pounding against her chest, feeling foolish for having doubted Ryujin in the first place. "I'm sure that's best friend bias."

Ryujin shrugged. "I pity your future girlfriend. Everyone you date will just pale in comparison."

Yeji rolled her eyes. "We're already dating Ms. Shin. No need to charm me."

Ryujin smirked. "Shut up, nerd." She slapped Yeji's arm lightly.

"Ryujin?" Yeji asked after a moment of silence, grabbing Ryujin's wrist gently to capture her attention.

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