Chapter 1- Teasing

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"You ready" Ona said walking up to me
"Of course I am mate" I said standing up taping her back walking out of the changing rooms

We shook hands with the Arsenal girls before running off to our positions, I ran to ST and stood next to Alessia
"You ready mate?" I asked her, receiving a nod with a smirk

"Yes Alessia!" I shouted running in line with the Arsenal defence
Alessia played through the perfectly timed ball and I was through on goal... until Leah Williamson came and swiped the ball, knocking it out for a corner kick.

I went to my position in the box and waited for the ball
"Hm thought you were through on goal didn't you" Leah said as she came and marked me
"I was just warming you up" I winked
"Of course you were, and what's your name?"
"Alex, Alex Brown" I said sticking my hand out
Leah scoffed and then turned her head to watch the ball float into the box
I ran to get my head on it, only just putting it over the bar
"Not as good as everyone says" Leah smirked
I laughed and ran to my position

Arsenal had a corner, so me being tall meant I was in the box defending it
I walked into the box and waited for my player to mark...Leah Williamson
"Following me?" Leah said looking up at me
"You wish" I said before clearing the ball out of the box

Half time- 0-0

Katie gave us a talk and then we were out for the second half

"Missed me Williamson?" I smirked at Leah
"Of course" She rolled her eyes
"Ugh I knew it" I said running off to my starting position

"Come on!" I shouted after I scored a screamer from outside the box

Arsenal rushed to get kick off to happen
I ran past Leah and winked at her, making her even more angry

Arsenal managed to get one back at the end of the match leaving the score line at 1-1

"Well done" I repeated to the girls I walked past shaking hands
"Oh hello Williamson" i snickered
"You again" Leah rolled her eyes
I walked up close to her and whispered in her ear
"Be careful, your eyes might get stuck if you continue rolling them all the time" I laughed before walking off.


"Marc, you wanted to see me?" I questioned as I stepped into his office
"Hey Alex, look we have some news to tell you" Marc said
"With how we want to set up with formations, we don't see you in the starting 11 and we can't pick you over Alessia, I'm sorry, your a very good player and needs game time, so we have put you on loan"
I nodded understanding and being grateful that they are giving me a club where I can get game time
"Who wants me?" I asked
"Arsenal..." I was shocked
The team we had just drawn with last weekend want me to help win them the league this season
"Oh okay, sure" I said still in shock
"You'll be moving to there club in two days, they have a house for you already so you don't need to worry about that" Marc smiled
"Also Alex it's a loan to buy option, we want you to have game time but this club can't provide you with that, this is why we are giving you the loan to buy option" Marc smiled softly
I nodded before waking out


"I'll be back next season hopefully" I said hugging the last of the team
I got into my car and made my journey to London

Finally arriving, they had put me in a hotel near the stadium for the first night.
I would be signing everything tomorrow and meeting the team as well


"Welcome to the Arsenal" Jonas said shaking my hand
"Can't wait to get started" I smiled

I got into my new kit and posed for the cameras
I then got told that the girls are having a meeting and I was going into it now to meet them

"Welcome Alex Brown!" Jonas announced as I walked in
"Hello Girls" I smiled waving

I went round the team saying hellos to everyone before coming to the end of the line
"Hello, nice to meet you" I smiled at Beth Mead
"Hey! Can't believe Utd let us have you, there loss! This is Leah by the way!" Beth said cheerfully
"Leah" I smirked bringing her into a hug
"We gonna have a great time, aren't we?" I said giving her a cheeky smile
"Of course" Leah said sarcastically

"Oh the two girls I was looking for!" Jonas said looking over at me and Leah
"Leah since Jordan has moved clubs, you'll be sharing with Alex now" Jonas smiled
I turned and smirked at Leah
"Great" Leah whispered
"No worries Boss!" Leah said giving him a nod
"My house, my rules" Leah said sternly looking up at me
I held my hands up and nodded my head
"Yes sir" I smirked
Leah groaned and put her hand to her head
" I need a pay rise" she mumbled
"I'm not that bad!" I pleaded my innocence

"Come on then, let's show you your new home" Leah said as we made our way outside to the car park
"I'll follow you in my car" I nodded at her
before getting into my car and starting to engine, here we go


This is gonna be a slow burn but lots of flirting in it as it progresses :)

Hope you enjoy 😉
I'll try to get updates out a lot quicker then my other books as I have time off next week and I have no matches this weekend either 👍🏼

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