𝟎𝟐𝟎. superstition

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Rose shrugged. "All I can say for sure is that when God is mad, he does not joke around."


AT THE INTERN'S LOCKER ROOM, the mood was still weird. Ever since that mess with George, Meredith, Mia, and Aaron, the dynamics between them were off.

"I for one am more than happy to be back at Bailey's service," Cristina said, celebrating officially the fact that Bailey was back.

"Liar," Nicholas said. "But I am more than happy to go back to not being forced to share all the cool cases."

"Who says Bailey doesn't have cool cases?" Cristina asked, a little defensive.

"Oh no, she does," Nicholas spoke. "But Joanna has cooler ones."

"You call Dr. Rhodes, Joanna?" Cristina asked in horror.

"Four surgeries, four fatalities, and the day have barely started," Izzie said, joining the duo.

George eyed the chocolate bar Cristina was eating. "Can I have a bite of that?"

"No," Cristina said. "You're in my apartment, not my food."

George shrugged. "Dr. Burke gave me a protein bar."

Cristina turned to Nicholas at Rosa. "Burke packs his lunch for him. Did I mention it?"

"How adorable," Rosa taunted.

"I think you have some serious competition, Yang," Nick added. "Are you afraid that Burke will realize he makes a better girlfriend than you?"

Izzie, still with her head stuck on the fatalities rate, announced. "I talked to the morgue guy. He said surgical fatalities come in threes and sevens. There'll be three more today." Cristina shot her a look, and she added. "He's the morgue guy. He knows things about death."


AFTER LOSING his patient early in the morning, Christopher Hughes found, much to his excitement, that the interns on Burke's service today were Izzie Stevens and Alex Karev. Not that he was particularly a fan of either of them, but any day he didn't have Cristina Yang up his ass was a good day.

"Denny Duquette. Age 36," Izzie presented the case.

"37 in three weeks," Denny chipped in.

Izzie smiled as she added the new piece of information. "37 in three weeks. He's having difficulty breathing and chest pains."

"Breath sounds?" Burke asked.

"Still a little junky," Christopher answered. "He has a build-up fluid in his system."

"Hughes, did you just call me a junkie in front of the girl I'm trying to impress?" Denny protested. "That's not very nice."

Christopher shook his head, a bit exasperated. "Denny, your congestive heart failure is getting worse despite the meds."

"Alright, so how do we proceed?" Denny asked.

Burke turned to interns. "Doctors, how do we proceed?"

"Titrate up his nitrate drip and continue with diuretics plus-" Alex began, but Izzie interrupted him.

"ACE inhibitors, Beta-blockers, and start dobutamine."

Burke nodded. "I also want his ins and outs recorded and one of you monitoring him at all times."

Izzie spoke surprisingly quickly. "I'll stay."

Alex shot her a sharp look before saying. "Me too."

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