The White Place and The Endless Black Hallway

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You are in a train station late at night. You just came back from your mother's funeral. You have no family except your grandma that lives on the other side of the earth and you just lost your best friend that called you fake. Your train is about to arrive but, in the corner of your eye, you see a black figure coming towards you. You feel scared since you are all alone, everywhere and anywhere.

You get into the train that just arrived at 2:30 in the morning. You are very sleepy and you fall asleep. When you wake up, you aren't on the train, perhaps in a White Place. A white building I would say. You are on the floor, cold, scared and hungry. There is a note and a calendar and you start reading :

"Hello dear reader, you are here. Where exactly? In a White Room as you can see from your eyes. You are all alone. I don't know you but you will never find out who I am. Let's say I am just a figure, nothing else.  This place isn't anywhere, more like everywhere. You have been here before, you just don't remember. On the calendar is a circled date, you will be let free of this fraction of imagination at that exact date. Do not be scared, just be happy :)!                                                                                                                                                                                                     XOXO The Person"

You shiver, you feel a soft and cold breeze on your back and instantly turn around... Nothing or no one is there. You look in the calendar hoping that you have to be there for a short time. It's 11th of June and have to be in here until 13th of September.

You start to wander through the hallway. It's endless, you can't seem to find the end of it. As you persist further you lose track of time, days, years. You fall asleep hoping this is all a dream. It feels like 2 hours have passed. You start to cry. You don't want to be in this room, life, world. You check your phone but no signal. You cry like a dog but no one hears. Seconds turn into minutes, into hours, days, weeks, months, years.

After what felt like a month you are depressed. You lose hope in life and living. You want to kill yourself, but with what? Rope? The roof is too high. A knife would seem the best option, you always carry a knife on you, do you? You find a knife on the ground, it looks brand new, never to be used ever again. You start to stab yourself in the stomach after that in the lungs, heart and neck. You die and you feel free. The date you have died is 13th of September. Because you lost track of time you taught it only passed one month.

But this isn't the end. The end isn't anywhere. It isn't here or there. There is no end. Just eternal pain and darkness. No Heaven or Hell, just void.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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