~7~ The First Quidditch Match

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I walked right behind him, squeezing his hand once and letting go once we emerged on the pitch.

The wind was pushing us back and the thunder was incredibly loud. Diggory and Ollie shook hands. Diggory smiled at Ollie, but Ollie just nodded.

"Mount your brooms!" Madam Hootch called out. 

I climbed over mine and breathed out. Madam Hooch put her whistle to her lips and gave it a blast that sounded shrill and distant we were off into the sky.

I couldn't see anything through the thick rain. I managed to catch the quaffle a few times, and I scored, but I was doing it all by luck.

I saw Ollie gesturing us to the ground. 

"I called for a time-out." he said.

"I can't see anything with my glasses." Harry said. "What's the score?"

"We're fifty points up," Ollie replied, "but unless we get the Snitch soon, we'll be playing into the night."

 Hermione suddenly came running to us. "Harry! I have an idea!"

She grabbed Harry's glasses and tapped her wand on them. "Impervius!"

I smacked my hand on my forehead. "I'm so fucking stupid! Of course! That spell repels water! That's amazing Hermione."

She beamed at me. 

Ollie looked thrilled. "Okay team, let's go back up."

We started the game again. I was feeling a bit more confident, the more I scored quaffles. But I was still having a hard time seeing. 

I suddenly felt cold all over. I looked up to see Dementors below Harry, who was looking for the snitch.

Not looking at where I was going, I smacked right into Fred and I slipped off my broom. I tried to catch myself, but my broom was wet all over and my fingers couldn't hold on.  People gasped as I fell through the air.

"Shit! Sara!" Fred zoomed down to catch me but I was already on the ground, groaning. I had only fallen ten feet, which isn't far for quidditch, but I could feel an incredibly sharp pain in my leg. I had broken my leg. Fred landed beside me. "I'm so sorry!"

"OH MY GOD HARRY!" I screamed. Everyone in the pitch was screaming out as Harry fell from fifty feet off the ground.

Dumbledore was striding on the pitch looking livid. With his wand, he slowed Harry down and magicked two stretchers. One for Harry, and one for me. 

Dumbledore made Harry's stretcher float as he walked to the Hospital wing. Fred and George hoisted me on mine and carried me to the hospital wing too.

When we got there, Harry was still out cold, and Madam Pomfrey mended my leg quickly. "You just stay here overnight." she told me.

After the whole quidditch team, Ron and Hermione, made sure I was okay, they all crowded around Harry's bed. Seamus came running in with Dean. "Sara! Are you alright?"

"Just a broken leg Shay." I said.

Harry finally woke up.

"Good to see you mate." I said.

He looked at me. "What happened? What happened to you  Sara?"

"Broken leg." I said shrugging.

"Harry!" said Fred. "How're you feeling?" 

"What happened?" Harry repeated. 

"You fell off," said Fred. "Must've been -- what -- fifty feet?"

"We thought you'd died," said Alicia, who was shaking.

Hermione made a small, squeaky noise. Her eyes were extremely bloodshot.

"But the match," said Harry. "What happened? Are we doing a replay?"

"Diggory got the Snitch," said George. "Just after you fell. He didn't realize what had happened. When he looked back and saw you on the ground, he tried to call it off. Wanted a rematch. But they won fair and square... even Wood admits it."

"Where is Wood?" said Harry, suddenly realizing he wasn't there.

"Still in the shower's." Fred said.

"I think he's trying to drown himself." I said.

Harry put his face to his knees, his hands gripping his hair. Fred grabbed his shoulder and shook it roughly. "C'mon, Harry, you've never missed the Snitch before."

"There had to be one time you didn't get it," said George

"It's not over yet," said Fred. "We lost by a hundred points"

"Right? So if Hufflepuff loses to Ravenclaw and we beat Ravenclaw and Slytherin --."

"Hufflepuff'll have to lose by at least two hundred points," said George.

Harry lay there, not saying a word.

"Shut up you two!" I snapped. 

After a few minutes, Madam Pomfrey told everyone to leave Harry alone. 

"We'll come and see you later," Fred told him. "Don't beat yourself up, Harry, you're still the best Seeker we've ever had." 

Fred quickly came to me. "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking-"

I patted his hand. "Oh Fred, you're alright. I wasn't looking either. The weather was horrible."

"All of you out!" Pomfrey yelled.

Everyone quickly left. Only Ron and Hermione were left, and they moved closer to Harry, telling him what had happened. Poor Harry's broom had been smashed to pieces, and was apparently unfixable. Harry looked heartbroken and when Ron and Hermione left, Harry turned away from me and wouldn't say a word.

Later that night, Madam Pomfrey poked her head through my curtain. "You have a visitor."

I was expecting Percy or Ollie, but I was surprised to see Lupin come in. He looked weak and tired and even more frail than usual. 

"Professor!" I said. 

"How are you feeling?" he asked me.

"I'm alright. Harry's in the other bed by the way."

"I came to see you." he said, handing me a bar of chocolate.

I was surprised, but pleased he wanted to visit me. 

"I wasn't able to come to the match, but I heard what had happened so I came to see how you were doing."

"Oh, it's just a broken leg. I've broken plenty of bones in quidditch, it's really nothing new for me." I replied.

Pomfrey quickly came rushing to us. "Alright Remus, it's been five minutes. It's time for her to sleep!"

Lupin smiled at me. "Have a good night Miss. Finnigan."

"You as well Professor." I said, eating my chocolate.

Lupin left and Pomfrey bustled about me, fixing my bed and checking my leg. "Professor's visiting students, how inappropriate." 

"But you still let him visit." I pointed out, handing her a piece of chocolate.

She popped the chocolate in her mouth. "I like seeing romance blossom."

I choked on my piece of chocolate. "Roman- no! He was just being friendly! Madam Pomfrey, don't say that!"

She raised her eyebrows at me. "I see the looks on both of your faces Miss. Finnigan. I know what I see."

Due to me constantly going in and out of the hospital wing, due to either quidditch injury's, fights with Slytherins, or me just blowing things up, Pomfrey and I had become pretty close. 

"There isn't any looks." I said, blushing fiercely. 

"You are both just lying to yourselves, because you know it's wrong. But it's there."

She left me with her words sinking in and I leaned against my pillow, rubbing my eyes.

I just need to sleep this off. 

Hurt | Remus LupinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora