"I'll head to bed now, puppet. Eat up and don't stay late, okay?" she laughed as she patted my head.

"OK, mother, good night."

"Night, sweet dreams." She got up and walked up the stairs and went to her room.

For the past four years, it's just been mother and I, since she threw dad out when she found out he was verbally abusive to me and she wouldn't let a monster hurt her baby. Since then, she's worked less when I'm not at Hogwarts to make sure she spent time with me. When I went back, she had picked up her shifts.

She spoils me rotten by buying me books and equipment for Potion and DADA. She respects my choice, and she was the first to know about my little crush on Riddle

Even with the chance she might not have grandchildren, she doesn't care as long as I am happy with whomever I choose or my mate is.

When I first told her about my attraction to the same sex, I expected her to shame and stun me, but she just hugged me and said " don't cry puppet, it's quite alright. We don't choose who we love or who we're attracted to. Do you shame me for falling for your dad? "

"Of course not, it's not your fault he turned out that way."

"The same way, it's not your fault that you fancy the Riddle boy, so wipe those tears away; they are not needed," she said, smirking through her own tear-filled face.

Since that day, the respect I have for Ma has grown by the second. She always finds a way to cheer me up, and I adore her for that and am glad to call her mother.

I spent the next 7 days reading about creatures and mates. What I learned is that

1. You can have multiple creatures.

2. You can have multiple mates or none at all.

Your creature doesn't determine your core preference.

4. If you believe that someone or another creature is threatening your mate or the bond between you and your mate, you have the legal right to kill them.

5. If you're rejected by your mate, both you and your mate will feel the pain and slow tearing of the bond between you and your mate as your creature is adjusting to the rejection.

6. You or your mate can reject each other even after accepting if there's a power imbalance in the relationship or the relationship is abusive and toxic.

7. Those creatures with no mates mean either their mate isn't born yet or was killed before inheritance or they are allowed to choose their own mates.

8. Your mate doesn't have to be a witch or wizard and

9. Your mate doesn't have to be in the same country as you.

10. You can only mate with your mate if you are of legal age.

11. Your creature can be a bloodline creature or not.

12. Creatures that are of endangered status are legally protected by the ministry and CPA (Creatures Protection Administration).

13. Creature symbols can appear in any part of your body that can be viewed and can be hidden if wanted.


There are more rules, but these 14 stuck out more and seem to be the most important. Once I find out my creature and my mate's, I'm going to get a book about each creature to see if we need to set up a diet plan of what we can eat and what to avoid

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