Chapter 1:

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8 years. It had been 8 years since Stan felt his entire life fall to pieces. He wondered how he had made it through the past 8 years. 8 years with just him and his father. No one else. Stan had stopped talking to Kenny after high school began, and still hadn't spoken to Cartman or Kyle since covid started.


That name was brought up in his mind multiple times a day. Even after 8 years, Stan couldn't stop thinking about his ex super best friend. After starting high school, Stan started to keep to himself, barely ever showing up to school and spending his days drinking his dad's stolen whiskey in his room alone. Tweek and Craig had asked him to join their group once everyone had found out the 4 boys had went their separate ways, but Stan simply declined, thanking them for the offer. Even the goth kids had asked him if he wanted to join them again, but Stan declined them as well.

Tonight, after a very long argument with Randy about how it was the "eight year anniversary of you killing your sister and your mother", Stan sat in the back of his apartment him and his father shared. After everything that had happened, Randy had bought a small two bedroom apartment, and constantly complained about it to his son. "We'd still be sitting pretty in that farm if you hadn't have been so selfish." Stan replayed those words in his head as he took a shot of stolen rum he had found in his dad's bedroom. Randy never noticed either, which was a good thing. He was always too drunk to notice.

After about an hour, Stan was drunk enough where those thoughts didn't get to him as much, but one thought played in his mind over and over.

I wonder what Kyle's doing right now?

Stan checked his phone. 2am. Kyle was definitely sleeping at this point. Kyle was a frequent thought that played in his mind, especially when he was drunk. He constantly thought about texting the boy, asking how he was doing, but always chickened out at the last minute. It had been like that for the past 8 years. Although, tonight, something was different. Maybe it was the rum talking instead of his normal whiskey, but the blonde haired boy quickly stood up, and walked back into his house. He slowly walked past Randy, who was passed out on the couch with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. Stan rolled his eyes, and turned off the blaring tv, before walking out of his front door.




Kyle stirs in his sleep, trying to ignore the faint tapping attempting to wake him.





Okay, fine, he's awake. He rubs his eyes with his hands and sits upright. What the hell is that noise?? Kyle stands up, still half asleep, and grabs his glasses from his nightstand. He paces as he tries to track the noise's wearabouts. He focuses his attention on the window, and sees a small pebble hit it gently.


Who could that possibly be?? Especially at this hour. No one ever woke him like this. The only person that ever did that was.....
And just like that, Kyle felt his stomach drop as he looked out his window.

"Stan?" He mumbled quietly, but loud enough where the boy could hear him from outside. "What are you doing here?" It came out much more nonchalant than he thought it would. Like the past 8 years never happened. There was silence for a moment. Kyle noticed the bleached blonde haired boy's swaying motion and half closed eyes, and he rolled his eyes. "Are you drunk?" Still silence. Kyle groaned. "Alright. Hang on, I'm going to let you in through the front door. You're way too drunk to climb up through the window." He looked at the makeshift rope on the side of the house the two had made when they were young. Kyle was surprised his parents never noticed it, but he was glad they didn't. That rope was responsible for so many sleepovers. So many memories. That's why Kyle kept it there.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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