cuaght in a trance (romantic scene.)

125 0 0

Self harm involved!

Screech being the snitcher she is. Went off without no one watching. She went to giding light. "Giding light!" Screech screeched. (Get it?) " oh yes screech? "

*screech explains*

"Grrrrrrr." *guiding light busts in the room."
"Seekkk and figure!!!!" Gl ( aka guiding light) yells.

"Uh oh-" figure says *gl burts in room* "YOU DESRESPECTED THE POLICY!!!" Gl exclaims madly. "Were sorr-ry" seek stutters. "I now ban you from seeing one another!" Gl says.

*gl uses powers to tp seek back to his room*

Seeks pov:
I cant belive this just happened. Stupid why would i even think of doing this. Im such a fucking dumb-ass.... I grab my pocket nife hesitant. Idk.. I feel like i...deserve it? I lightly cut my arm. I quietly screamed of pain. I went deeper and then i was gushing out blood... Its what i ... De..serve. A couple moments later figure quietly got into my room. He stared at my arm gushing out blood.

Figures pov:
I managed to sneek into seeks room but. When i got there.. Seek was gushing blood. "Seek...why?" I started to cry a bit just having to look at it.( yes he has eyes he just half blind) seek started crying badly. I tryed to fix it, and after a while it finally stopped bleeding. "Why...?" I asked



"Because i love you"

Omg i am so weird- what do you guys think of it so far(sorry for not making it juicy-)

the entitie lovers (pls help-)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora