The crowd was roaring. Jimmy's ears were ringing and his heart was pumping fast. The concert had caused an incredible amount of adrenaline. This is the reason why Jimmy loved performing. Every worry disappeared. It was just him, his guitar, and a crowd that loved him.

The guitarist stood there for a few seconds. He did not want to go off stage. He wanted this feeling to last forever. Sadly, he had no choice. He would be back tomorrow. That would have to do.

As he was leaving the stage, he noticed someone coming to walk beside him.

"You were really good today." Roberts now raspy and exhausted voice spoke. Jimmy looked up to be met with a kind smile.

"Thank you, Robert. You didn't sound bad yourself." He offered Robert a smile back. Maybe the evening would not be as bad as he feared.


The hotel was packed with people. It was not possible to get even one breath of fresh air due to all the nicotine and various other substances floating around in the air.

Jimmy was comfortably sat on a soft red couch. A glass of Jack Daniels was in his right hand as he scanned the room. Groupie...musician...groupie...and Robert. His eyes stopped wandering. It was nearly embarrassing how Jimmy enjoyed watching Robert. It was like a hobby. It entertained him to see his close friend smiling and happy.

A minute passed by. Suddenly, Jimmy's view was blocked. He looked up to see a girl- no. This was not a girl. This was a groupie. Her revealing outfit and bold makeup told him so.

Jimmy tried his best to look neutral. He did not want to look too irritated. His goal was not to scare them away, just to look intimidating enough to keep them intrigued. That is what he did when he wanted them, anyway.

He invited her to sit beside him. She did not look too old. Maybe sixteen or seventeen? Jimmy did not care. He was uninterested in her. She was a beautiful girl, he would not deny that, but his mind was elsewhere.

"Is something troubling you?" The girl slightly tilted her head sideways with an expression of worry and confusion.

Jimmy was not going answer this. His reply was a silent sip of his Jack. He glanced at her, a bored look on his face.

"What are you doing here?" His voice was cold and uninterested as he ignored her first question. He was still refusing to face her.

"Well...I wanted to see you." The slight tremble in her voice made it obvious she was nervous. Jimmy tapped his glass. A part of him wanted her to leave. She was disturbing his thoughts, something that usually annoyed him.

The other part of him thought of what she would look like in bed, with her clothes off. Jimmy had seen many naked girls and women throughout his career. None of which truly made him feel anything yet. Maybe this one would be different?

He finally faced her. Jimmy noticed her golden hair. The curls looked quite similar to Roberts. "I know that. I mean what are you doing sitting here when you should be up there." He nodded towards a group of people. They were all dancing as if their life depended on it. "Dance for me."

The groupie did not hesitate to get up. Jimmy watched as she approached the group. He then got up. He was not going to sit and watch some girl dance.

On the way out he noticed Richard, who was stood speaking to two men which Jimmy did not recognise.

"Richard." Jimmy tapped the Richard's shoulder, causing him to turn around. "Yes, Jimmy?" He raised one of his eyebrows, most likely expecting a complaint from the guitarist.

Trouble in the garden (Jimbert 🤏)Where stories live. Discover now