☆Evening Together~Mizuan☆

909 10 69

AN:Comfort ship
(This has been remastered)


Unfortunately for me the Rain had stopped a while ago,this sounds screwed up,but i was HOPING god would hear my pleas for rain and floods,just so i can get one,just ONE,day off hell a.k.a school!The only good thing about school was mizuki,they stayed by my side for god knows how long!

The walk to the bus station wasn't that long,i usally go with Kohane...but...after the incident of me admitting my feelings,she never talked to me again...did i seriously screw up a friendship for my dumb feelings?!My thoughts where interrupted when i heard a familiar defending screech."ANNIE,WAIT UP!"

I turned round to see mizuki sprinting towards me,backpack loosely hanging off their shoulders,and tying their hair in its usual side-pony.Sooner than expected,they jumped onto me,wrapping their legs around my waist."Were you going to leave me..?"They pouted.

"Of COURSE not"I said,SLIGHTLY overdoing the word 'course'."Not so loud,people are giving you funny looks!"They said,looking and pointing at the other people in the station.Suddenly their grin faded into a frown.

"Whats wrong?"I question,turning my head around.I spotted Kohane giving me and Mizuki dirty looks."OI!WHAT YOU LOOKIN AT,PICK ME GIRL!?"Mizuki practically screamed at her.Kohane had rolled her eyes and focused back on her phone.Mizuki's eye was twitching and was very clearly pissed at Kohane for just existing.

-Timeskip sponsored by Robo-Nene-

Mizuki Pov:

"FINALLY" I screeched,stretching my arms"HELL IS OVER"I cheered,but the rain and thunder was somehow louder!"Mizuki,please keep it down,you're giving me a headache.."I heard An chuckle slightly."OH,OH,OH"I exclaim."What is it now,genius?Got a 'Clever' idea?"An sighed.

"Well,yes actually"I giggled"It better not have something to do with that special needs school,you remember what happened last time?"An chuckled,holding the main doors open for me,revealing the large amount of rain showering out of the sky."I didn't MEAN to set the fence on fire,I only wanted to burn the bush!"I retorted,trying to weakly defend myself as we walked outside.

"You're lucky nobody caught you,you'd be in jail for arson"An hummed,opening the umbrella for us to share,I quickly ran under it to avoid ruining my makeup."Well,I wanted to stay at your house for this evening"I announced grinning.I saw An's face turn a light shade of pink."Someone's embarrassed" I teased."Oh SHUT UP"She groaned."Ok,ok,relax godzila."I rolled my eyes.

"Roll your eyes again and I'll roll them out of your head"An threatened.I know her threats aren't empty,she hit me in the shin with a baseball bat for teasing her when she threw a javelin incorrectly.

"Uh,Mizuki.."She said when we had finally started walking."Whats up?"I hummed looking up at her."I know admitting this made Kohane hate me,but i don't have a crush on her anymore...I have one on...you..."An mumbled."AWH,THATS SO CUTE!I LOVE YOU TOO ANNIE!"An grinned widley and i pulled her into a hug."What do you mean it made Kohane hate you?"I asked calmly into her shoulder."She...she's homophobic.."An mumbled."Ew,homophobic people are NOT hot!"I groaned.An snickered but at that moment KOHANE passed,pulling faces of disgust.I looked at An with a slight smile then flipped off Kohane.The offended look on her face was comedy GOLD.As soon as she walked away i turned my focus back to An.I looked up her and gave her a quick peck on the lips."COME ON,IM GETTING HUNGRY,I WANNA GET FOOD"I yelled,breaking away from the hug and started spriting the way to An's house."mizuki....MIZUKI...WAIT UP DUMBASS!"I heard An practically screech,i heard her sprinting after me and quickly catching up.She pulled me into a hug from behind,and i couldn't help but giggle..."You're going the wrong way!"She laughed.I couldn't help but laugh along!


"Don't forget to wipe you feet!"I told Mizuki,kicking off my shoes."I might not seem like it but i know basic manners!"They retorted,punching my arm."Hey,where is you dad?"They asked,putting our shoes on the shoe rack."He's probably back at the restaurant"I said calmly,going to the kitchen to find something good to eat."HOW AREN'T YOU WORRIED ABOUT BEING HOME ALONE?!"Mizuki shrieked."Please calm down,we're in my apartment above the restaurant,guests can probably hear you."I scolded."I thought you where my girlfriend,not my mother"Mizuki said,waving their hand to tell me to move."Rude much"I grumbled.I turned back to Mizuki to see them digging through the freezer."Watcha makin?"I questioned,leaning against the counter."Honey fried chicken,mother taught me."They responded."Can you make some extra for my dad,he'll love to try it?"I asked,forming my best puppy eyes.They just rolled their eyes and nodded.

-Timeskip sponsored by Akito's 1* pose-

Mizuki POV:

"Something smells good!"I heard An yell before pecking my cheek."Of COURSE,it's my mom's recipe,of course its good!"I said,slightly acting like Tsukass while dishing the food."I'm starving,thanks honey"She said taking the dish as soon as i moved to get my own."HEY,YOU BETTER NOT EAT IT YET!BASIC MANNERS REMEMBER?"I scolded her,she just gave me a thumbs up before walking away.I rolled my eyes as i dished mine and some for An's dad.I quickly put his food in the fridge and went to sit with An."I didn't know you were such a good cook!"An complimented,wearing her usual grin."I-I TOLD YOU TO WAIT FOR ME!!"I squealed,feeling my face heat up."Relax,smol bean"An giggled."Whatever"I grumbled.


After I finally stopped kissing Mizuki to death,they went home.I flopped onto the couch and couldn't stop smiling."Someone's happy"I heard a voice from the kitchen.I looked up and saw my dad looking back at me."Whats that smell?It smells really good!"
"OH!Mizuki came over and they made some honey-fried chicken,they left some in the fride for you!"My dad nodded"Thats explains the yelling"He hummed,going into the kitchen.
A while after, he came out of the kitchen,a face of pure delight"THESE TASTE GREAT!"He yelled."Mizuki should make this so we can serve it on the menu!"He grinned."Ill ask them at school tomorrow,i don't wanna go on my phone before bed"I yawned.

-The next day-

"MIZUKIII"I cooed,sprinting to catch up with them."Huh?OH!Annie,HELLO!"They squealed."Can you make those honey fried chicken wings for my dads restaurant menu?"I asked.
"UWAHHH?!You told him I made it!?!?!I wanted you to take credit!"Mizuki wailed.
"I not exactly the lying type"I shrugged."So,is that a yes?"I asked,raising a brow."Sure,but i gotta balance this with designing costumes for Rui and Saki's music groups"They shrugged."Dont worry,my darling,we will sort it all out"I smiled,going in for a kiss."Wait."They smirked,putting a finger to my lips,"what do i get for making them for your menu?"They enquired."Uh...a ton of dates and cuddles,kisses,and i might even give you a small amout of yen for it!"I smiled.(Author note:they are in Japan,thats why I put Yen💴,stfu)
"Ok,deal"They said,removing their finger from my lips and letting me kiss them."WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!"I suddenly yelled,grabbing them by the arm and speeding to school,they almost fell over a few times but they made it there alive!"See you at break,dear!" I grinned."STOP WITH THE PET NAMES!"Mizuki yelled"Of COURSE,baby"I smirked"I love you!"I added."Love you too,Godzilla!"They smiled,face slightly pink from embarrassment.We both parted ways.

I can tell today is going to be a great day....


Author Note:Damn,1,000+ words,what a record.Anyways,Request a oneshot here!im not the best at writing since i just started,but i try my best!Let me know if you enjoyed,BYE BYE.

Anyways,Request a oneshot here!im not the best at writing since i just started,but i try my best!Let me know if you enjoyed,BYE BYE

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