Chapter Four: Not The Pharoah

Start from the beginning

"I will." Yami nods and the goddess disappears. His hands shake. Where in the world is his unshakable confidence now. This is pathetic.

Yami digs around in Yugi's pockets for what Yami assumes is some sort of communication device. A mobile phone maybe? Cell phones were a thing when Yugi was in his first year of high school. They weren't terribly common, and Yugi wasn't considered old enough to need one.

Yami fiddles with the device, cursing the glass brick for its less than intuitive lack of buttons. He manages to get the screen to light up, but it requires a passcode. He rests his thumb on the fake button on the front and it unlocks. So much for a passcode.

Lucky for Yami, the open tab is Yugi's texts with Jou. The address and room number for the hotel conveniently laid out in front of him. He puts the phone away and jogs to the building. Yami looks over his shoulder constantly, spotting multiple people following him.

He bolts down side streets and makes himself as hard to track as he can. Going down alleys, waiting for strangers to pass and go around to the other side in an attempt to cut him off only to back out the way he came in and start jogging the opposite direction.

Finally he makes it to Jous’ room, scaling up the side of the building and pushing himself through the open sixth-floor window. Because of course he does. Yami can never just be normal.

Jou jolts awake, looking Yami dead in his red eyes as his one leg reaches through the window to the carpeted floor. He freezes like a deer in the headlights.

"What are you-" Jou stands up and pulls Yami inside. "Dude, that's like five floors-"


"That's more insane. Not less,Yugi. Get in here." Jou tugs Yami to the bed. "You could've just knocked."

"I'm being followed."

Jou tucks himself into bed, looking over his shoulder. "Why the heck would you lead the creeps to me?"

Yami narrows his red eyes. He's not amused or comforted by Jous’ response.

"I'm kidding. Get over here." He lifts the covers for his friend to join. "I get it. Sleeping alone in a new place is hard."

"Thank you," Yami scootches closer to Jou laying down beside him. He winds up being the little spoon for the second time tonight. Though this time he's actually facing Jonouchi. Sleep comes fast and hard. The bed feels like it spins as he returns to the darkness from which he came.

Yugi wakes up in a cold sweat on the plane. He rubs his eyes and sighs in relief. It was only a dream. He looks down to the chessboard and blinks. The arrangement of the pieces isn't possible without both sides being plainly horrid at the game. He can't be too surprised playing against himself whilst fighting a sleeping medication. Yugi takes the black king with his queen.

He's about to start resetting the board when a shadowy hand moves a black pawn to the endzone. It melts and reforms as the black king. In chess, if a pawn reaches the opposite end of the board, it can be promoted. Which is to say it can be swapped out for a taken piece. Pawns can't be promoted to kings. That's not how chess works.

Wait- Yugi looks straight in front of him to see his shadow waving impossibly facing him. The light in the cabin shouldn't cast a shadow like that. What in the world is going on. He looks to his side, expecting to find the veiled woman and her cat. Instead, both seats are taken by cats.

He stands up to head to the bathroom. Every seat on the plane is taken by a cat. Yugi runs to the front of the plane, stumbling into the cockpit. Both pilots are also cats. A sudden burst of turbulence knocks Yugi prone. The windows are blinded by a sandstorm outside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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