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Multiple bodies lay on the bloodied hospital floor, motionless. As Jake's laugh echoed through out the whole hospital and throughout the night with a snarky look oh his and Mari's face.


"Did you hear about yesterday?"

"Yeah, the massacre at the hospital..."

You tighten her  hold on Yu-chan's arm as they whispered about the massacre, of course you knew that Jake and Mari were the reason behind the murders, you felt bad as you knew that you couldn't do anything about it.   You, Yu-chan, Manabu and Yuna were surrounding Rai's table looking sadly. "Do you think it's the guy from yesterday?" Manabu asked the group. "I'm scared..." Yuna said. Rai lifted his red eyes to look at you. You looked at his blood-red eyes. "Don't worry I won't let them hurt you or Y/n." Yu-chan declared. ' Wait isn't Yu-chan suppose to refer to Yuna? Is my presence changing the story line?' You thought. "Y/n." Rai spoke catching your attention. "Yes Rai." You looked at him questioningly. "Would you like to add my house to your living arrangements?" He asked suddenly that it caught you off guard. "That's not a bad idea actually, you do need more space than my apartment. And you would be more safer there as they are closer to the school." Manabu said. "Not a bad idea all we need is the directors approval. But I 'm sure Rai can do that." They all looked at Rai, who gave them a simple nod. You looked panicked. "T-there's no need. I-It's fine really!" You waved your arms around as they looked at you. "Y/n are that nervous at the idea of stay someone else house? Damn, what did your family do to you?" Yu-chan asked with a sadden look on his face. Yuna gave a confused look as Rai just stare at you with a stoic face but still confused on what Yu-chan meant. "Yu-chan you can't just reveal that without her permission." Manabu scolded him with you, Yuna staring at them as Rai's attention was still on your figure.

~~~WITH M-21~~~

 "Certainly got the city's attention now." M-21 said. M-24 grabbed the fence looking outward towards the busy streets. "Jake, the missions an excuse. He just wants to kill people." M-24 said angrily. "Calm down, M-24. They're strong. We could never beat them Our only chance... is getting the coffin." M-21 said looking down at the ground. "Hey, look. It's the kids from yesterday." M-21 stood up and looked down from the roof seeing the figures of kids below them. They saw the ravenette's, who was beside you, head turn towards the direction where M-21 and M-24 resided. M-21 looked shocked as he saw the "young" man stare at where they were. "What?! He... How can he notice us?!" He thought as M-24 turned to him "This means we can get moving before Jake." M-24 said with a smile on his face. 

"Shooting the breeze?" When they heard Jake's voice they immediately turned around and saw none other than "Jake! Mari!" Jake looked sinisterly at them. "We'll take care of them nice and quick." This startled M-21. "All risks to the organization must be eliminated. That's a priority." Mari informed. "The witnesses are those kids, right?" Jake looked down to where you and Yu-chan, Manabu and Yuna were walking on a bridge talking to each other. Jake noticed your form and immediately perked up. "Oh, It seems you also found the Energy source that the Organization was looking for. I never thought that it would be inside of a cute girl. Maybe I'll play with her before I give her to Organization." Jake looked lewdly at the girl who was holding onto Yu-chan's blazer. M-21 looked worriedly at the girl and felt a sudden wave of protectiveness over the girl. 'Why I am feeling protective over the girl. I don't know her.' 

NOBLESSEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें