Chapter 3: Going to Egypt

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Bill POV:

"Wake up!!!!!" I hear yelling from downstairs "Huh?!" Both me and Mabel jump up the yelling we then got out of bed to see what Is going on "Why did you scream so loud?" We both asked at the same time "Um did you guys forgot we have a trip to Egypt today to get ready for?" Both me and Mabel eyes widened remember we are going to Egypt today "Oh man I forgot about that come on bro we have to get ready to leave" my said running back into our room to get ready for the trip "You can go and start bathing I will go after you!" I yelled to her that she can start, and I will wait for her to finish "Okay thanks bro" she said grabbing all her things she needs to use in the bathroom. I then walked into the room to pick out my clothes I was going to wear and put them on the bed. I then grab what I need to go in the bathroom, so I walk to the living room waiting for my sister to finish using the bathroom.

~After Mabel get out of the bathroom~

"Bathroom Is free now bro you go and use It now!!" I hear yelled that, so I got up from my seat on the couch to go upstairs to head into the bathroom

~After showing and change his clothes~

I walk downstairs with my bag in hand, and I put It down at the side of the front door, so I know where I Is "Well I guess I watch some TV while I wait for them to finished." I said turn on the TV.

~A few minutes later~

I hear footsteps coming downstairs and I see both my sister and uncle's coming down the stairs with bags in hand "Okay are you guys ready to go to Egypt?" Uncle Stan asked us "Yes we are ready to go to Egypt" both me and Mabel answer the question "Okay let's go" We then start taking our bags to the taxi we must take to go to the airport I also help fetching some bags to the car "Okay we got everything right?" Uncle Ford asked us to make sure nobody forgot anything when he asked that I made sure I had to the necklace that dipper give me In my dream I felt around my neck feeling for the necklace and I felt around my neck 'Okay I don't forget It' I thought to myself "No I forgot nothing" I answer my Grunkle ford question "Did you guys forget anything" I asked my sister and grunkle Stan if they forget anything "No we don't forget anything" they both answered at the same time "Okay will looks like It Is time to go to the airport" Grunkle ford said "Okay Grunkle ford" both me and Mabel said at the same time then we started to car over to the taxi "Okay we are ready to go to the airport now" Grunkle Stan said to the taxi driver.

~After driving to the airport and doing everything they need to do they are on the plane to Egypt now~

"Hey, Mabel, I am going to can wake up when we arrive In Egypt" "Sure bro" when she said that I Lu my head on her shoulders to fall asleep 

*Bill dream*

I open my eyes to see I was the same bedroom I was in the last time I was here "Hello my love how is you" I hear dipper voice behind me, so I turn around to see him with his arms wide open for me to run into "Hi I am good how are you?" I answered his question and then asked him the same question he asked me "I am better now that I have you in my arms" he said pulling me closer to his chest I was a blushing mass when he pushes me to his chest. "Um Can you l-let me g-go?" I stutter over my words "Oh sure love" he said letting go of me "So my love what have you been up to?" he asked me this when I was turning around to face him "Nothing much I am now on my way to Egypt so that means I can see you soon" I said excited to meet him In person "Me too but before you come here you have to free me from my sleeping curse" "Okay so what do I have to do to free you?" I asked him "Don't worry about that someone will give you something pervious to you and you can use to find me and free me" he answered my question "Okay thanks" I said hugging him again "Can we stay like this until it is time for you to leave" he asked me hugging me tighter "Yeah we can stay will this" I tell him then he walked me over to the bed to lay down with me

~After a few minutes of cuddling~

I look up to see the room fading away "Okay I have to go see you soon" I said getting up from my seat on the bed "Okay I will see you soon my love" he said kissing me on the cheek. I blushed at that

~After Bill's dream~

I wake up to feel Mabel shaking me "I am up" I said rising my head from off her shoulders "We have arrived in Egypt" she tells me take her bag from under her seat I then got up my seat and my bag from underneath my seat too

~After getting off the plane and all that stuff they are driving to their camp~

Bill POV:

We arrived at our camp "Okay kids I know you guys are tried from the trip, but we and ford have a surprise for you" Grunkle Stan said keeping his eyes on the road "What is the surprise????" both me and Mable asked with a twinkle in eyes when we heard the word 'surprise' and we also stopped feeling tired a little bit "We are going to the black market" Grunkle ford said looking In front of him "Okay!!!" Both me and Mabel screamed at the same time

~When they arrived at the black market~

"We are here kids" Grunkle Stan said turning off the car engine "Okay" we said taking off our seat belts then we opened the car door getting out stretching our tired limbs from sitting down so much "Okay are you kids ready to go shopping?" Grunkle Stan asked us to walk to the entrance of the black market "Yeah" we both said walking behind him "Okay how about we go this way and please don't get lost in the crowd" Grunkle Stan said "Okay Grunkle Stan we will not get lost in the crowd" both of us said at the same time. We then started to look around the black market I then see a book stand "Hey Mabel I am going to check out what kind of books they have" I told my sister where I am going so, they don't freak out when they couldn't find "Okay bro" she said continued looking at whatever it is she is looking at. I then walked over to the book stand I also look at the kind of books they have "Hello Welcome to my sho-" she stops what she was about to said when she sees who it was "Oh your majesty what are you doing here?" she asked me and I was confused because I don't know why she me called 'majesty' "Um I have no idea what you are talking about Miss" I tell her confusion "That is right your memory have fully return to you yet here you are going to look this book and don't worry it is free for you your majesty" she tell me give a book with a triangle with one eye in the middle

~The Book~

"Here you go" she said reaching her hand out to give me the book "Thank you" I said taking the book from her hand "You're welcome" she said "Bro we are going to leave now hurry up and let's go!!" I heard my sister yelled "Okay I am coming!" I yell...

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"Here you go" she said reaching her hand out to give me the book "Thank you" I said taking the book from her hand "You're welcome" she said "Bro we are going to leave now hurry up and let's go!!" I heard my sister yelled "Okay I am coming!" I yelled back to her "Again thank y- "I stop what I was going to say when I turn around to see the lady and her shop had suddenly disappeared "Um what just happened" I said surprise at what just happened "Bro come on we are leaving!" I heard my sister yelled again "Yeah I am coming" I said walking over to my sister and our Grunkle's.

Dipper POV:

I watch as my queen got his book from one of my servants 'Now I just must wait for him to regain his memory is from reading about his past life with me and then he will be back in my arms again I just have to wait a couple more days for him' I thought to myself.

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