''What did you do?''

Freya's eyes are wide, she mumbles as her heart beats faster and faster.

''What did you do?!''

Thor's voice is loud, he exchanges a stressfully glance with his sister as they helplessly wait for the effects of Thanos' snap.

The Mad Titan doesn't reply, instead he teleports away.

''Freya..'' Steve says, now conscious again, he pants and puts pressure on his bloody side as he walks over to her.

''Where'd he go?'' He quickly asks, his head spinning around the forest.

''Freya.. Thor..''

Neither of them reply, their eyes still wide as they breath heavily.

''Where did he go?!'' Steve desperately pleads, his eyes moving between the two.


It's the tone he speaks in that makes Steve feel like throwing up, like something horrible is about to happen.

He's rights

Because there is.

He whips his head around, watching breathlessly as his best friend falls to dust in front of him.

Rogers' eyes widen as he falls on his knees, before he hesitantly reaches for the dust on the ground.

When he feels like throwing up for the second time that day, he looks up at Freya with pure terror in his teary eyes.

''Steve..'' is all she manages to croak out.

And then slowly, people around them start turning to dust.

First it's T'Challa, then Groot. And Sam and Wanda. Mantis. Drax. Stephen Strange. Peter Quill. Peter Parker. - though the last are on another planet.

Steve's eyes are wide, he quickly stands up and runs towards Freya.

His arms wrap around her like she's the only woman in the world. Like she'll disappear any second.

Because she could.

But she doesn't.

''Freya you can't leave me.'' Steve stressfully mumbles into her hair, his hands slightly shaking.

''I won't. I won't. I won't.'' Freya continuously mumbles, her eyes wide as her world crumbles.

As everyone's world crumbles.

Quickly, Steve and Freya drop to the ground next to Vision's body, slightly sitting on Wanda's ashes.

Rocket sits defeated on the ground. Rhodey and Bruce and Thor look around in desperation.

Natasha's hand flies to her stomach, like she'll be sick. Her breathing's staggered and tears stream down her cheeks.

Freya's never seen her cry.

The Goddess of Love and War's hand still desperately clings to Steve's, her heart nearly beating out of her chest.

Steve stares into the distance, his mouth slightly parted.

And it's all because they've lost.

The Avengers. Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Super-humans. Geniuses. Gods and Goddesses. The team who's unbeatable has been beated.

''Oh, God..''

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

The ride back is quiet, - not in a peaceful way - it's absolutely horrible

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The ride back is quiet, - not in a peaceful way - it's absolutely horrible.

She's anxiously staring, he's had a panic attack, he's stressfully analysing how the world is right now, she's sobbing, he's thrown up.

It's horrible.

Steve and Freya have never left each other's sides, their sweaty hands cling to both their bodies desperately.

''Freya..'' Rogers whispers, making her snap out of her trance.

Her cheeks are soaked, the tears shine on her golden armour.

''I-I.. I can't.''

It's the first thing's she's said, though they're only a few minutes away from the Avengers compound.

Maybe Pepper's there and maybe, just maybe, the rest of the team is there. Who knows?

They aren't.

Vision's lifeless body lays in the side of the Quinjet, the Captain had taken it out of respect.

No one's really said anything, because what could they say when they're at the end of the world?

The Goddess' body shakes of her sobs, her tears now also staining Steve's suit.

Her breathing gets staggered and he stands up to grab her some water, but stops when a small hand grasps at his side.

''Don't go.'' Freya whispers, her teary eyes meeting Steve's broken ones.

''I won't.'' Steve whispers, though they both know it's not just about right now. It's about life. Life and death.

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

With the dozens of bottles of alcohol on the table, the Avengers - or, what's left of them

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With the dozens of bottles of alcohol on the table, the Avengers - or, what's left of them.. - tried desperately to drink away their thoughts.

Asgardian Ale, beer, vodka, gin, whiskey, rum, wine, liqueur, brandy, tequila.

None of it worked.

Tony's missing, maybe.. dusted. Sam and Bucky are gone. So is Wanda and so is Vision.

6 of the 7 remain.

''So, what now?'' Rhodey says, one of the first ones to speak up.

''I don't know.'' Thor replies, his gaze plastered on the table.

''We've gotta find Tony. He has to be somewhere. Right, Freya, Thor?'' Bruce frantically asks.

''With the ship he's on, he could be anywhere.'' Thor silently replies.

''We've lost, guys. This is it.'' Natasha mutters, painfully taking a sip of her strong drink.

''Don't say that.'' Steve quickly interrupts, his voice broken and tears in his eyes. ''We.. we can't. We'll find Thanos, we'll reverse this all.''

''Rogers, we-''

''No! It's what we do. We'll bring them back.''

Their eyes shine in terror, their minds empty as they oh-so-desperately try to find a solution.



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