Story of a person in terminal phase

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The society in which we live gives us many lessons. Some good and some shattering. One such shattering lesson life can give is either you or the person closest to you in his/her terminal phase. Terminal phase is the phase when a person is near his/her exit from the world. He/she can be a last stage cancer patient or a similiar deadly disease. A person in his/her terminal phase has many thoughts and wishes they want to fulfill but they know that they cannot fulfill them as they are not left with much time. This is what one cannot understand unless he is going through it or seeing a person closest to him go through it. I have seen my closest friend go through his terminal phase. Now, unfortunately, he has left this world. I was with him in his terminal phase so this is his story. Let us dive deep into his mind and his story.

Warning- Do not proceed further if you have a weak heart. You might not be able to handle the things coming ahead.

It was a total lockdown in India. I was working on an app called telegram in a CA community as an admin and providing practice multiple choice questions to the students there. I've not been qualified as a CA but have cleared foundation level and was helping the other juniors of mine to clear it. There I had a bond with the admins and it was the bestest bond I could ever find since then. I had a co-admin Manohar who was a cheerful and jolly guy but also a bit short tempered. Whenever he got into a fight with admins of another community I had to interrupt and save him. He was one year younger than me. Me and Manohar had a very good bond and started knowing each other bit by bit. Manohar introduced me to his sister from another mother Mishti who was also an admin in another CA community. Me and Manohar used to cheer her up whenever she felt low. One fine day Manohar looked silent, upset and frustrated and wanted to leave his job. I asked him the reason. The reply was quite shattering. It took my world away from me within seconds. The reply he gave was brother, I have been detected with a brain tumour. It cannot be operated now as it is too late to do so and I just have a few days left. I want to spend these few days with my career and thus I am leaving this post. He asked me to keep it a secret even from his sister and all the others. It was very hard to believe that the best friend I had was going to leave the world soon. I thought to myself that I'll make sure these days be the best days of his life. Everyday he used to share with me what he wanted to do that day and I used to make his wishes come true. Days passed, he grew weaker day by day having only his mom dad and me by his side but he did not lose his hope and will to live.

His mind had started torturing him with the negative thoughts. At his place it was justified to have negative thoughts. I used to tell him everyday that God has made good plans for you my brother. Don't think of what will happen here just leave it to me. You focus on your wishes and let me fulfill them for you. His mind was so disturbed that he was not even able to sleep properly at nights so I used to be with him and make him sleep. His doctor informed his parents and me that only a few days are left with him. Somewhere even he was aware of it and he was ready for it. He asked his three final wishes from me. One was to take care of his sister in his absence. Second was never let his mom and dad feel that he is not with them. Third was that I become a CA and make him proud best friend. He said he will be watching me from the stars. I said do not worry for anything here. I will handle everything. He said that you are here then I have no fear. After this I recieved no message from him. Just few days later his sister texted me that he is into a deep coma. Soon, a month passed and after fighting for his life in that one month he left this world. I always remember one thing he told me when he was with me. He wants to clear his ca and give an interview to help the students like him excel in CA. Unfortunately this dream of his could not be fulfilled due to the condition and time he had. I am into CA Intermediate and I wish that I fulfill his wish of interview with an educator.

The most shocking thing is I never met this guy in person. I met him on telegram. Though we had a good amount of distance, we were connected by heart. He stayed in Indore and I stay in Mumbai. All the events happened above were just through telegram. I still have all of his chats saved in my phone to feel his presence. His family, his sister were totally shattered. I am connected with them and till date I try my best to never let them feel that they had lost their son. He will always stay in my heart as a best chapter of my life.

So, folks this is the story of a person infact the closest to me through his terminal phase. We should atleast have one person with us in our terminal phase to give us strength. The phase is enough to give deep pains and downfall but a person giving strength in this phase is not less than a boon or a blessing. I have seen many going through this phase and no one being with them but they themselves become so strong to go through this phase alone. I don't have any questions for my readers but a request. Whenever the readers see one such person in their terminal phase, just give them a little bit of strength. Just tell them everyday that you are with them. You might not feel but for them even this much is enough to grow strong. Hear them out and be with them. Trust me they will not trouble you for long. Since I lost my friend, once a year I visit the Tata Hospital for cancer patients and have a meet with the cancer patients there. I have seen many stories there. Stories of hope, will to live, will to go back home and many more. Some patients there had new born babies before they got detected with cancer. Some patients there are the only children of their parents. No one can imagine their pain but I have seen that pain. Let us take an initiative to fulfill atleast one wish out of the many they have. Let us be their strength and give them the best we can.

Thank you for taking out your time to read this story. I hope you liked it. Do share it ahead and let it reach as many people as you can. The weak hearted people who even after the warning read this story and could complete it congratulations to them. You've conquered over your weakness. Love you all.

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