A good guy who turned into a bad guy

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The world we live in has two types of people, the bad and the good. This is what everyone knows. The thing which people don't know is there are additional two kinds of people. The bad people under the disguise of good and the good people under the disguise of bad. It's all a matter of the heart a person has. Another fact is that we never know that we are good or bad. This is defined by the society we live in. For some people the person is good but for some he may be the bad guy. To determine whether you are good or bad just see the people in the society you live. If the majority of the people tell you that you're bad then there might be some bad characteristics in you. If the same majority tells you that you are a good person, then you might have some good characteristics in you. Some people will be there in the same society who will consider you bad even after seeing the good version of you. A single mistake is enough to turn a good person into a bad person. If a person commits the same mistake again and again he becomes the villian nobody wants to be with. The upcoming story is of one such good guy who turned bad due to the negative elements of the society. Let's dive straight into the story.

I had a friend named Fahim. A jolly guy with a smile on his face. He belonged to a very strict family. He was not allowed to talk to anyone on call except work related talks. For any calls except work he had to give a detailed explanation of every word he spoke on the call. Talking to girls was strictly prohibited. Still he managed it all very well. His school life was not at all happening because he was bullied more than befriended. He spent his school life being bullied by everyone and was a content for everyone whenever they used to get bored. He still used to stay jolly but from within he used to stay depressed and alone. He was thrashed at his home for mistakes he never did because of his classmates who used to spread false rumours for him. He never ever said a word because somewhere he tried his best to prove his innocence but failed everytime. This loneliness became a part of his life. Then he wanted to pursue a career in engineering but he had budget issues and his family wanted him to get into Chartered Accountancy Course then he went by the choice of his family leaving his own dream behind. In junior college he had many friends, many were good to him just because he was an above average student. People in the society and his college used to be jealous that everyone wants to talk to him. He was on the blacklist of his teachers because he used to solve everyone's doubts. Again due to some of his mistakes, choices, and misunderstandings he was left all alone. He went into severe depression. His family was an old school family. Old school family means where he can't talk of depression with them because no one would understand him and instead throw him out of the house saying that he cannot face the society as he is weak. He had his own self with him and slowly and gradually after eight months he came out of that depression. He cleared his graduation and again was left alone due to the choice of people he made there. Some betrayed him and some used him.

He was unlucky in love because the first person he loved chose someone else over him and he was shattered. Slowly and gradually progressing in life, his family started taunting him because he was not able to clear Chartered Accountancy course and failed atleast twice in foundation level and was stuck again on inter failing twice.

His mom had made a lot of sacrifices for him but day by day seeing her son struggle she was feeling defeated and regretting why she pushed me into this course. She was going down in health day by day. She used to share it with Fahim and Fahim used to feel helpless that he could not help her. Fahim was the only son of his mom and so she had a lot of expectations from him. He sadly wasn't able to fulfill any. Though he scored ranks in college, he was not able to make his family proud because his family had way too over expectations from him that he should always come first. This was day by day destroying Fahim mentally and his family had started losing hopes in him. His mom was detected arthritis with thyroid and low haemoglobin and that's why she was going down in health day by day.

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